NPsD. Crunchy edition.


Bluebeard Member
Nov 12, 2012
So, if you recall and pay any attention to me, a couple months back I sold ALL of my electric stuff since I was gigging acoustic, and decided to go all in on acoustic.

Mistake. I missed the electric. Also, if you've been paying attention, you'll have noticed that I snagged a Blacktop Strat and a Marshall Origin 50 Combo. Love them both.

But I need now to rebuild some pedals. The Origin is a GREAT pedal platform, though it also gives lots of nice tones on its own and is distinctly touch sensitive...still, sometimes you need more gain. I'm also on a tight budget at the moment, so went looking for budget friendly options.

First I snagged the Boss SD-1. I've actually had it since Saturday. Grabbed it used from GC online - it arrived not quite as pictured, with no knob on the drive pot. Went to my local GC to return it, but asked if they had a knob that would fit instead, because it sounded good and worked well - they didn't have a knob that matched, but they had one that fit, so screw it - didn't want to wait for another one from elsewhere that might have who knows what problems. If they'd had a new one I'd'e paid the difference, but they didn't, and this one sounds quite nice. Plays very well with the Origin, tightening up the low end and boosting things for great hard rock power chords.

Then, I decided after watching the JHS review, among others, I decided on a Mosky Silver Horse for a Klone , something that just adds MORE to the already great tone. It arrived today, and I have to say it sounds pretty dang identical to my memory of the Tumnus I used to have. Initial impressions are quite good.

JHS makes some great pedals. The quality on them is second to none. Also, you can never go wrong with a Boss drive pedal. Many of them are the base circuit for some good boutique pedals. And they are built like a tank. They can also be modified if the sounds isn't quite what you want it to be.
That seems like a sweet setup.

But gee, for only 4-10 grand more than the Mosky you could have a real Klon!

Here on Bizarro World we always insist on spending more to get something very similar to what we can buy inexpensively.

No doubt you'll be wanting my advice on cables, NOS tubes and power cords... ;)
That seems like a sweet setup.

But gee, for only 4-10 grand more than the Mosky you could have a real Klon!

Here on Bizarro World we always insist on spending more to get something very similar to what we can buy inexpensively.

No doubt you'll be wanting my advice on cables, NOS tubes and power cords... ;)
I am going to be building a Klon pedal. I told my brother that I was starting to build some pedals and he told me he wanted one. I then told a coworker that I built the KOT and the first thing out of his mouth was, what would it cost to build a Klon. I have the feeling that I am going to have to build a few. I have the board for the first one. It will fit in a standard enclosure. I have found two other boards that will need the same enclosure that the Klon uses. I may try those as well so I can compare the three.
I am going to be building a Klon pedal. I told my brother that I was starting to build some pedals and he told me he wanted one. I then told a coworker that I built the KOT and the first thing out of his mouth was, what would it cost to build a Klon. I have the feeling that I am going to have to build a few. I have the board for the first one. It will fit in a standard enclosure. I have found two other boards that will need the same enclosure that the Klon uses. I may try those as well so I can compare the three.
Sounds like a cool project!
Sounds like a cool project!
I have been a bit surprised at how much I have enjoyed this pedal building journey so far. I knew I would like it and have been wanting to try it for a really long time. There is an amp shop in my area that used to do classes where you build a pedal before COVID. They didn't do them very often so you had to get on a list and when they got enough people to do the class they would have one. I put my name on the list but somehow missed the notification when they sent it. They stopped doing them after that. I don't know if they are back to doing them now. When I found the kit that I bought, I knew I had to try it. I bought a new soldering station that I had been waiting for an excuse to purchase. Man, that was a good upgrade.

I knew I would probably do decent with the build but I took my time and really paid attention to my solder joints. I surprised myself. The solder joints look really good in there. It looks like I have been doing this for years. I credit the new iron for really helping with that. I have been soldering wires in things for a long time but had never soldered anything into a PCB. I did a fair amount of research before jumping in and used some techniques that I had just seen in some videos. I credit those as well for the work I was able to do in keeping things looking professional in it.

I am now learning some new lessons... I am in the middle of one of those now. It is kind of funny but costing me a little money. I may be stuck with some parts I will never have a use for. Time will tell. I ordered components for 4 more pedals. I was shocked at how big the box was and how much was in it. I did spend a decent amount on the order. When sorting through things I spotted something that was a very obvious mistake. I have two film capacitors that are the size of the palm of my hand. Those are obviously not going to fit in the pedal enclosure, well, not with anything else anyway. I quickly learned that voltage and contact spacing measurements are very important when ordering things... lol I looked these up on the site where I ordered the stuff from. I paid just under $10 each for these. I then found 4 more capacitors that I ordered in too big of a size. They are not as big as these, but are about two to three times the size of what will fit on the PCB. Ordering parts has been harder for me than soldering things together so far... :)
I have been a bit surprised at how much I have enjoyed this pedal building journey so far. I knew I would like it and have been wanting to try it for a really long time. There is an amp shop in my area that used to do classes where you build a pedal before COVID. They didn't do them very often so you had to get on a list and when they got enough people to do the class they would have one. I put my name on the list but somehow missed the notification when they sent it. They stopped doing them after that. I don't know if they are back to doing them now. When I found the kit that I bought, I knew I had to try it. I bought a new soldering station that I had been waiting for an excuse to purchase. Man, that was a good upgrade.

I knew I would probably do decent with the build but I took my time and really paid attention to my solder joints. I surprised myself. The solder joints look really good in there. It looks like I have been doing this for years. I credit the new iron for really helping with that. I have been soldering wires in things for a long time but had never soldered anything into a PCB. I did a fair amount of research before jumping in and used some techniques that I had just seen in some videos. I credit those as well for the work I was able to do in keeping things looking professional in it.

I am now learning some new lessons... I am in the middle of one of those now. It is kind of funny but costing me a little money. I may be stuck with some parts I will never have a use for. Time will tell. I ordered components for 4 more pedals. I was shocked at how big the box was and how much was in it. I did spend a decent amount on the order. When sorting through things I spotted something that was a very obvious mistake. I have two film capacitors that are the size of the palm of my hand. Those are obviously not going to fit in the pedal enclosure, well, not with anything else anyway. I quickly learned that voltage and contact spacing measurements are very important when ordering things... lol I looked these up on the site where I ordered the stuff from. I paid just under $10 each for these. I then found 4 more capacitors that I ordered in too big of a size. They are not as big as these, but are about two to three times the size of what will fit on the PCB. Ordering parts has been harder for me than soldering things together so far... :)
Every project has its snags (in this case the film caps) but I think it's great that you're off and running on this.
I am going to be building a Klon pedal. I told my brother that I was starting to build some pedals and he told me he wanted one. I then told a coworker that I built the KOT and the first thing out of his mouth was, what would it cost to build a Klon. I have the feeling that I am going to have to build a few. I have the board for the first one. It will fit in a standard enclosure. I have found two other boards that will need the same enclosure that the Klon uses. I may try those as well so I can compare the three.
I'd take one too.....seriously
Welcoming back to the electric tonez, Ahazz! Surprised at the start choice but we will give you time ;)

I can send someone a Klon clone pedal, PM me. I build them only to give them away.
Where are you buying your PCBs for those? I have my first one about half way built. I am building it along with three other pedals. I ended up getting a few wrong components and was missing a few. It was a huge order I put in and there were a few misses on my part. The rest of the parts will be here this week. I know of two more PCBs for the Klon. I am debating on buying both of them to build them and compare them to this one I am building now. I will figure that out once I see how this one comes out. I am just curious if you found boards that I didn't find.
Where are you buying your PCBs for those? I have my first one about half way built. I am building it along with three other pedals. I ended up getting a few wrong components and was missing a few. It was a huge order I put in and there were a few misses on my part. The rest of the parts will be here this week. I know of two more PCBs for the Klon. I am debating on buying both of them to build them and compare them to this one I am building now. I will figure that out once I see how this one comes out. I am just curious if you found boards that I didn't find.
The original clipping diodes were hard to find 15 years ago when I was building pedals, but supposedly part of the magic of the original Klon. Are they still available?