NF3 Pickup Selector Switch placement makes me CRAZY!


New Member
Feb 14, 2014
The OC/So Cal.
Why would PRS bury that selector switch between the volume and tone knobs?
When trying to switch pickups 'quickly' on the fly it seems so hard to get at in a hurry.
Anyone else bugged by this?
Seems like traditional strat placement would have been much better place for it.
I haven't played an NF3 but one of the many things I hate about strats is the pickup selector switch location. Terrible! Playing anything but the bridge position, I'm going to hit the dang thing and switch to the bridge position.

It seems PRS tries to put the volume knob in the same relative position to the bridge on all its models. Everything else is works around that.
I haven't played an NF3 but one of the many things I hate about strats is the pickup selector switch location. Terrible! Playing anything but the bridge position, I'm going to hit the dang thing and switch to the bridge position.

It seems PRS tries to put the volume knob in the same relative position to the bridge on all its models. Everything else is works around that.
I've been playing Strats and Jems for too many decades and the selector switch just feels perfect, to me.
Never had a problem accidentally hitting it.

Seems like on the NF3, I need to reach 'over the trem arm' and in between the knobs.
Very difficult for fast changes during a live performance on a critical part of a song.
Not crazy about the positioning of the blade on on the Customs either, it looks good, but the arm IS in the way.
Not crazy about the positioning of the blade on on the Customs either, it looks good, but the arm IS in the way.

This is my main problem with the blade switch as well. Playing live and switching on the fly, I like the McCarty / Rotary knob postion on the Customs, with McCarty switching being my overall preference.