New PRS SE Hollow body ii,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,pickup change?


New Member
Aug 26, 2017
I have added a Hollow body ii custom to my small PRS collection and, while it plays almost as nicely as my 2 core models I am finding the PUPs to be a bit too dark sounding for rock chord work.
Has anyone updated the PUPs on a SE Hollow body 11 custom?
I'm interested in hearing any experience on this as well.

I have 57/08s for my SE HB II, but haven't attempted to put them in yet. I'm still debating whether or not I want to put in coil splitting ability, incl. new pots and a treble bleed cap.

I did inquire PTC about how the electronics integrate. They don't have diagrams, and said basically the Piezo is similar to the higher end Piezo with less options. So hopefully that means the mag pups are easy to replace. Another thing that gives me pause is the factory used plastic tie downs for the internal cabling, and I don't really want to mess with it....yet. I'm also waiting for my 'end game' amp which is back ordered, and thought it would be fun to hear the pup difference using the new amp.
I finally got my back ordered amp, so finally been playing my SE HBII a lot more. I feel like it needs at least a treble bleed cap and am curious if anyone has journeyed on that endeavor.