Neck relief changed after taking all strings off and putting them back on


New Member
Jul 19, 2023
I installed a set of PRS SE locking tuners on an SE DGT a few days ago. I removed all the strings from the guitar and restrung with the same strings after the new tuners were in place. I noticed afterwards that the action at the 12th fret and 5th fret had gone up significantly and the guitar was harder to play. I saw a lot of relief in the neck and tightened the truss rod. After doing that my guitar plays as normal.

I have a few questions:

Has anyone else experienced this?

Is it normal to have to readjust the truss rod after removing all the strings and later replacing with the same set of strings?
When putting the same gage of string back on, I would say it isn't something that happens frequently but it isn't unheard of either. I have seen them move but not by a huge amount. It is enough to affect playing but not drastic. I don't typically see these kind of things on my core guitars.
I have guitars that the neck relief changes quite often, just sitting around. This happens with PRS, Gibson and my Warmoth Fender copies. I could understand it happening when changing strings.