Looking for Advice on Buying my 1st PRS

...When I bought my very first Fender Stratocaster I went to the largest Fender dealer in town and proceeded to spend an entire day playing them. One would "assume" that in a room full of American made Strats that only the color and the pickup choices woulkd direct me to the one for me. What surprised me was that even though one would think that they would all feel the same - they didn't. There were a few that literally felt like they were made for my hands...
Yeah, exactly. That has been my experience, as well.

That being said, I realize that many people live in areas where they don't have access to a wide variety of guitars in a "hands-on" environment. Also, many people don't mind "taking a chance" by purchasing a guitar online, and then returning it if necessary. I appreciate that, and I can even understand how it could become addicting -- like a treasure hunt. All of those beautiful gems online... pick one, and take a chance that it's a keeper! I just don't have the financial means, nor the patience, to go through that process.

All that aside, you are looking for info on specs, electronics, tones, etc. to help narrow down your search, and you came to the right place for that. Lots of good info to be found in this thread (and on this site), and there are also many great, knowledgeable dealers that can be recommended if you want to purchase online. It's just that -- besides being a "hands-on" kind of guy -- I'm too limited in actual experience with playing PRS guitars to offer any specific, technical guidance. Also, I'm waaay out of the loop with the current models.

Best of luck in your search, and you'd better come back and update us when you get one!

P.S. Mine's a McCarty, and when I played it back in 2002, I knew I had to have it. I still do. :cool:
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