LOOK AT THIS!! PS #1 comes back from PRS!

No wonder I didn't recognize it. It's almost like Grass Stained Blue Jean here and it's almost Olive in the picture from the start of the thread. Crazy. Lights would have something to do with that, but odd it's such a drastic color change.

Either way dude...she's freaking awesome!!!

LOL! I must not have been clear. The pics at the beginning of the thread are from today. It just arrived back from PRS after having gone through a refin, fret job, pup change and a few other things. The pic at the bottom is from 2006 when I first got it. They ARE different colors! :)

And thanks again for the nice words. The guitar has brought me a lot of happiness over the last 8 years.
That's amazing, amazing how it looks now and amazing what they can do.

Btw, do you get a new headstock tag or papers after this?
LOL! I must not have been clear. The pics at the beginning of the thread are from today. It just arrived back from PRS after having gone through a refin, fret job, pup change and a few other things. The pic at the bottom is from 2006 when I first got it. They ARE different colors! :)

And thanks again for the nice words. The guitar has brought me a lot of happiness over the last 8 years.

Oops. Sorry. I meant from post 7. I know what's up I just referenced wrong image. iPhone forum posting so was lazy about quoting images.

So, from this...


To this (the bottom one)...


To this...


I gotta say that new shade is off the charts. Hope that one doesn't fade too badly!
Thanks guys! Its my first PS from back in 2006. Its the bottom guitar in this pic, and as you can see, the finish had totally faded, and I had put a lot of chips in it. It needed new frets as well, and newer pickups. (Went to 57/08s from Dragon 2s)

Tag, the new color looks stunning! Although I would never have complained if someone gave me the guitar as depicted in the above picture. :wink:

btw, how do you get your guitars to hang horizontally like that with just a sideways-mounted hanger? Oh wait... :vroam:

Interestingly about the color fade you experienced (and others report): my Cu24 is a 2002, bought by me just in Feb of this year. It's a bit banged up, obviously well-gigged, but I don't care. But curiously the emerald green is actually darker than a lot of the ones I typically see - the color hasn't faded one bit. Maybe it stayed in a case when it wasn't being gigged in dark night clubs / pubs or something, and it has seen more light in the last four months hanging on my wall than it saw in the last 12 years. I guess the next 12 years may reveal something...
So, from this...


To this (the bottom one)...


To this...


I gotta say that new shade is off the charts. Hope that one doesn't fade too badly!

Yeah that's what I thought I just referenced wrong image. So cool man. Really dig it.
That is a Six-Million-Dollar-Man level new lease on life - stunning.

Tag - I am in NJ, if you have any doubts on whether you want to keep this or not, I am more than willing to come out and help you make that decision ;)
Killer top................

Thanks Markie.
I use to think tops like that could be found anywhere. I have said this before, but when I ordered the guitar, I sent them a picture of one very similar, that was the best I could find (for what I like) out of hundreds of tops. The wait for PSs at that time IIR was around 6 months, but I said I did not care how long I had to wait, I wanted a top that was as good as Joe Knaggs had ever seen. Well, it took 2.5 years before the said they thought they had one! :eek: I thought they were putting me off after a year or so, but when it came in and I opened the case, it was BETTER than the pic I had sent them. :rock: Then I picked it up and found out it was the wrong body depth. :bawling: I had your (my old) teal black Artist 3 right there to compare it to. Talk about going from the highest high to a real low in the matter of 10 seconds! :mad: That top and the 2.5 year wait was why I could not send it back for a rebuild. Then I totally lucked out with the Pomegranate top. You and 11 top know better than I how hard it is to find a truly exceptional top. Lots of killers all over, but those special ones are VERY hard to come by. When I was younger I did not even care about tops very much. I was always motivated to play guitar. Now that I am older, I need every bit of motivation to keep trying to improve as a player, and for me, the top and the color, and the beauty of the guitar really make a difference. It makes me WANT to pick them up and play, and once I do, I get practicing. So its a lot more than beauty. Indirectly it helps me improve as a player, and that is still the most important thing to me.
Beautiful guitar, love the color. So do we call this "Tag Blue" or did PRS give it a specific name