Let's talk veneer


Bluebeard Member
Nov 12, 2012
Alright - so, as many of you know, I went all acoustic recently, and have discovered that I still want some electric. I bought a Strat, a small pedalboard, and an amp that I adore (Marshall Origin 50C). The Strat, on the other hand, I don't adore - it's a Blacktop Strat, 2 buckers...great neck, but at the end of the day, not the tone that I want.

I'd love to get back to PRS...but I'm on a definite budget at the moment. Core is right out, as is S2. I'd love another Vela...but I'm also looking for something more classic, more Les Paul sounding. McCarty 594 seems right up my alley.,

I'm looking at the SE McCarty 594 - used, it's in my range...but dangit, that veneer top drives me crazy. It feels like a lie to me - no depth, it's like a beard colored with "just for men". And, it goes with a multi-piece, usually badly matched, back. I looked at the SE 594 Singlecut Standard, but most of those have a badly matched multi-piece top to go with the badly matched multi-piece back. It just looks BAD, in my opinion.

On the flip side, I'm looking at some plain top Epiphone Les Pauls, and they look, play, and sound really good...and the top is honest. I really *want* to go PRS, but is it too much to ask to have a 2 piece maple plain top?

Do the veneer tops bother anyone else as much as they bother me?
Alright - so, as many of you know, I went all acoustic recently, and have discovered that I still want some electric. I bought a Strat, a small pedalboard, and an amp that I adore (Marshall Origin 50C). The Strat, on the other hand, I don't adore - it's a Blacktop Strat, 2 buckers...great neck, but at the end of the day, not the tone that I want.

I'd love to get back to PRS...but I'm on a definite budget at the moment. Core is right out, as is S2. I'd love another Vela...but I'm also looking for something more classic, more Les Paul sounding. McCarty 594 seems right up my alley.,

I'm looking at the SE McCarty 594 - used, it's in my range...but dangit, that veneer top drives me crazy. It feels like a lie to me - no depth, it's like a beard colored with "just for men". And, it goes with a multi-piece, usually badly matched, back. I looked at the SE 594 Singlecut Standard, but most of those have a badly matched multi-piece top to go with the badly matched multi-piece back. It just looks BAD, in my opinion.

On the flip side, I'm looking at some plain top Epiphone Les Pauls, and they look, play, and sound really good...and the top is honest. I really *want* to go PRS, but is it too much to ask to have a 2 piece maple plain top?

Do the veneer tops bother anyone else as much as they bother me?
It is what it is at that price range. I think they look fine for what it is, but its a book vs. page conversation, and the rates vary for that and a whole stack of other reasons. Maybe look for a used S2.

True, but other manufacturers can give a 2-piece plain maple top at a decent price range. I'd so prefer that to a veneer.
Alright - so, as many of you know, I went all acoustic recently, and have discovered that I still want some electric. I bought a Strat, a small pedalboard, and an amp that I adore (Marshall Origin 50C). The Strat, on the other hand, I don't adore - it's a Blacktop Strat, 2 buckers...great neck, but at the end of the day, not the tone that I want.

I'd love to get back to PRS...but I'm on a definite budget at the moment. Core is right out, as is S2. I'd love another Vela...but I'm also looking for something more classic, more Les Paul sounding. McCarty 594 seems right up my alley.,

I'm looking at the SE McCarty 594 - used, it's in my range...but dangit, that veneer top drives me crazy. It feels like a lie to me - no depth, it's like a beard colored with "just for men". And, it goes with a multi-piece, usually badly matched, back. I looked at the SE 594 Singlecut Standard, but most of those have a badly matched multi-piece top to go with the badly matched multi-piece back. It just looks BAD, in my opinion.

On the flip side, I'm looking at some plain top Epiphone Les Pauls, and they look, play, and sound really good...and the top is honest. I really *want* to go PRS, but is it too much to ask to have a 2 piece maple plain top?

Do the veneer tops bother anyone else as much as they bother me?
I had one and brought it back. I would be lying if the small, shallow flame veneer was the only problem with it. But I am glad I gave it a try for two reasons:
• It made me realize just how special my 2007 McCarty is. (BTW, the two-piece flame top is amazing)
• I finally realized the only guitar that really sounds and feels like a Les Paul is a Les Paul. Try to find an Epiphone 59 LP reissue used. I am extremely happy with mine.
I looked at that one - the 3 piece top is still visible if you look at the line going right down the middle by the pickup switch. Maybe I'm picky...but I'm picky.
My bad, I was looking for the line down the center ;~(( In this price range, I don't know that I would worry about it that much, but we all have our own criteria!! If I spot something, I will let you know, best of luck!!!
Do the veneer tops bother anyone else as much as they bother me?

Yeah, they’re not my thing. It’s style over substance, to me. I have one guitar with a veneered body. It’s a Taiwanese Yamaha. It’s a fine guitar, but it’s my beater. It goes places I don’t want my “real” guitars to go.

Veneer tops lack authenticity, in my mind. I’m not a person who needs an awesome top. I’d rather have something plainer than something that feels like a put-on.

To me, it makes most modern SEs very unattractive.
While I completely understand the periodic itch to get something different - I'm that guy, too - I'd like to recommend something else:

Slow down!

No doubt you've heard the expression, "Buy right, buy once."

You made the switch to all-acoustic. That turned out to be a Big Idea that didn't work for you. You decided to get back in the electric game and settled for a Strat only recently. That's not working out, either.

Do you think settling for Epiphone Les Paul will float your boat in the long run? I'm willing to bet it will not. It's a lateral move from mediocrity to mediocrity (sorry Epi fans).

You don't care for the construction of an SE. Nothing wrong with that, personal choices and personal satisfaction are what this guitar thing is all about!

My suggestion would be play the Strat for a while - you made that choice, and it was a compromise. Seems to me you're off and running to another compromise - you're practically saying so yourself - and since you likely won't be any happier with an Epi than a Strat in the long run, I don't see the point.

Don't do it.

Exercise a little patience, and get something that will work better for you a little ways down the road. You had a high quality PRS Vela - a pair in fact - that you loved and sang the praises of. For good reason!

Live with the Strat for a while, don't settle for second best with your next guitar, and when the timing is right get what you really want.
Not really.

Aahzz opened his remarks by saying a veneer top really bothers him.

Why recommend a guitar with a veneer top? Doesn't make for a guy to buy an instrument that has a built-in 'this really annoys me' factor.
Has anyone here actually had trouble with a PRS SE veneer top?

Lifting? Coming loose? Coming unglued" Peeling? Any of that?

I've owned quite a few and have never had an issue.