I've Done the Thing


New Member
Dec 17, 2020
Okay gang, I've done the thing. After having had to sell my S2 594 Singlecut a while back and more recently my S2 Custom 22 Semi-hollow to take care of some rather unexpected household expenses, I've come to a point where I can fill the vacancies in my stable. I have my first ever SE incoming in the form of an SE Silver Sky Maple in Summit Purple. I elected to go this way since my three Core guitars (CE 22 Maple Top, Custom 22 10 Top and 35th Anniversary Custom 24) are all dual humbucker and my non-PRS guitars are also dual humbucker, I figured I'd give a Strat style guitar a try. Hopefully I end up liking the 8.5" radius given that I'm more used to the 10" radius on my Cores, a 16" on my Ibanez and the12" radius on my Explorer. At least if I end up not clicking with it, it'll be easy to move for something that fits me a bit better.
I'm not as optimistic as the previous two. If all you have had is humbuckers you may find the single coils a little thin and top end dominant. If you know what to expect then it's all good. I love the Strat sound when it is dialed in. But it took a lot of tweaking to get it to be what I wanted to hear. Be ready to experiment when you get it.
My first guitar was an Epiphone Strat copy with three singles, so I think I know what to expect. I definitely didn't get this guitar intending to make it a metal machine or anything like that...and folks tell me that every guitarist needs an acoustic, an electric with two humbuckers, an S-type and a T-type. For the T-type, I'm entertaining the possibility of a Jim Root Telecaster.
I'm not as optimistic as the previous two. If all you have had is humbuckers you may find the single coils a little thin and top end dominant. If you know what to expect then it's all good. I love the Strat sound when it is dialed in. But it took a lot of tweaking to get it to be what I wanted to hear. Be ready to experiment when you get it.
I returned my SE SS due to not being a SC guy...great guitar though otherwise...I need a bucker in the bridge though...
The SE Silver Sky ought to be showing up tomorrow at some point. I'm pretty sure that after a setup to my preferences (mostly for string gauge), it'll be good to go if my prior experience with Core and S2 level guitars is any indicator. I'm also planning on this being my standard tuning guitar.
SHE'S HERE!!! Set up well out of the box, there were just a couple of high fret edges that were corrected easily enough with a couple light passes with a fret edge dressing file. Other than that, I'm in love with the summit purple color, the neck feels good, and I dig the tones I've gotten thus far out of it into my Helix using the JCM 800 2203 patch that's become my go to. The only thing that I may change setup wise is to float the bridge as opposed to having it flush to the body.

Now, if only I could remember how to post pictures,
Quick update on the SE SS. I'm still digging the guitar a lot. I like the pickups a lot more than I had initially thought I would, and this is definitely the first guitar that I've really experimented with using the tone knob. The spread of tones that are in the bridge pickup just with the sweep range of the tone control is really impressive. The feel of the guitar definitely has me playing it differently than my Custom 22, CE 22 and Custom 24 Core guitars.