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Too Many Notes
Apr 26, 2012
Sunday was National F#$% Around With Your Pedalboard Day.

Oh, you've never heard of it? Dude, get with the program!

The savvy man prepares for National F#$% Around With Your Pedalboard Day in advance, as best he can. However, bonus points are awarded if in the middle of the project he inevitably finds himself having to make a guitar store run for something that proves necessary, and if he can do the round trip within a couple of hours without forgetting something on the list.

I prepared for NFAWYPD by acquiring a few things: a Lehle "Little Lehle II" true bypass switcher, another Eventide H9, and a Gig Rig Cinco Cinco pedalboard patchbay. Naturally, I had to run to the guitar shop to get some George L's cables to complete the project because what I had on hand proved to be an inconvenient length.

I use my pedalboard for more than effects. It's my Command Center (note: it's good for a man to be in command of something) for switching between amps, and sending the signal (with our without effects) to any one of the amps, or to more than one amp at a time. This my pedalboard already did.

But I have some outboard effects that I often want to insert toward the end of the signal path, such as the Fulltone Tape Echo, and pedals like overdrives that I like to have after the boost and compressor. So I decided to put the Little Lehle II on the board between the H9 and the Lehle amp switcher that handles 3 amps.

I also had to install a new H9, because my son is in the middle of a 26 city tour, and one of his pedals started having issues just before he came in for my daughter's wedding last weekend. He was flying from Michigan to Oklahoma the day after, and then out on the road; there was no way he'd have time to order one and wait for it to be delivered, plus mine has all the Max algorithms. So I insisted he take mine, and I replaced it last week after he left.

To have the most room on the pedalboard, the best spot for the Little Lehle was just below the jacks for the amp outputs and pedalboard input that were built into the board. Rather than have the plugs impede access to the Lehle's I/O for the loop, I ordered a Cinco-Cinco, five in, five out patchbay from Gig Rig. It's a handy little box that lets me put more I/O at the edge of the pedalboard, and who can't use more I/O? Can I get an Amen for more I/O?

Anyway, here it is, all wired up, with the tape echo wired into the Cinco-Cinco, the Cinco-Cinco wired into the Lehle, and everything connected with more Van den Hul cables, except the Cinco-Cinco, because I didn't want to order more of the Van den Hul until I was sure I'd like this setup (yes of course I will because I'm that guy whose cables must match).

I would also like to say that more than once during this project, while cussing over the trials and tribulations of trying different layouts on the board, only to return to the original layout, I thought, "Why don't I just stop doing this pedalboard nonsense over and over, and get a Helix or FX8?" only to remember that I basically don't love most digital effects, and found the H9 only after exhausting many other options.

National F#$% Around With Your Pedalboard Day was a success, and there's no additional noise. I even left room for "Future Dirt Pedal," to be added when National Replace Your Power Supply Day comes (I have pre-ordered a Strymon Zuma that has more outlets, I've used up all the outlets on my PP 4x4).


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Sunday was National F#$% Around With Your Pedalboard Day.

Oh, you've never heard of it? Dude, get with the program!

The savvy man prepares for National F#$% Around With Your Pedalboard Day in advance, as best he can. However, bonus points are awarded if in the middle of the project he inevitably finds himself having to make a guitar store run for something that proves necessary, and if he can do the round trip within a couple of hours without forgetting something on the list.

I prepared for NFAWYPD by acquiring a few things: a Lehle "Little Lehle II" true bypass switcher, another Eventide H9, and a Gig Rig Cinco Cinco pedalboard patchbay. Naturally, I had to run to the guitar shop to get some George L's cables to complete the project because what I had on hand proved to be an inconvenient length.

I use my pedalboard for more than effects. It's my Command Center (note: it's good for a man to be in command of something) for switching between amps, and sending the signal (with our without effects) to any one of the amps, or to more than one amp at a time. This my pedalboard already did.

But I have some outboard effects that I often want to insert toward the end of the signal path, such as the Fulltone Tape Echo, and pedals like overdrives that I like to have after the boost and compressor. So I decided to put the Little Lehle II on the board between the H9 and the Lehle amp switcher that handles 3 amps.

I also had to install a new H9, because my son is in the middle of a 26 city tour, and one of his pedals started having issues just before he came in for my daughter's wedding last weekend. He was flying from Michigan to Oklahoma the day after, and then out on the road; there was no way he'd have time to order one and wait for it to be delivered, plus mine has all the Max algorithms. So I insisted he take mine, and I replaced it last week after he left.

To have the most room on the pedalboard, the best spot for the Little Lehle was just below the jacks for the amp outputs and pedalboard input that were built into the board. Rather than have the plugs impede access to the Lehle's I/O for the loop, I ordered a Cinco-Cinco, five in, five out patchbay from Gig Rig. It's a handy little box that lets me put more I/O at the edge of the pedalboard, and who can't use more I/O? Can I get an Amen for more I/O?

Anyway, here it is, all wired up, with the tape echo wired into the Cinco-Cinco, the Cinco-Cinco wired into the Lehle, and everything connected with more Van den Hul cables, except the Cinco-Cinco, because I didn't want to order more of the Van den Hul until I was sure I'd like this setup (yes of course I will because I'm that guy whose cables must match).

I would also like to say that more than once during this project, while cussing over the trials and tribulations of trying different layouts on the board, only to return to the original layout, I thought, "Why don't I just stop doing this pedalboard nonsense over and over, and get a Helix or FX8?" only to remember that I basically don't love most digital effects, and found the H9 only after exhausting many other options.

National F#$% Around With Your Pedalboard Day was a success, and there's no additional noise. I even left room for "Future Dirt Pedal," to be added when National Replace Your Power Supply Day comes (I have pre-ordered a Strymon Zuma that has more outlets, I've used up all the outlets on my PP 4x4).


Nice! I jumped the date a couple of weeks ago. Pulled the Bogner Red off my board and sent it to Booge to try out.
Sunday was National F#$% Around With Your Pedalboard Day.

Oh, you've never heard of it? Dude, get with the program!

The savvy man prepares for National F#$% Around With Your Pedalboard Day in advance, as best he can. However, bonus points are awarded if in the middle of the project he inevitably finds himself having to make a guitar store run for something that proves necessary, and if he can do the round trip within a couple of hours without forgetting something on the list.

I prepared for NFAWYPD by acquiring a few things: a Lehle "Little Lehle II" true bypass switcher, another Eventide H9, and a Gig Rig Cinco Cinco pedalboard patchbay. Naturally, I had to run to the guitar shop to get some George L's cables to complete the project because what I had on hand proved to be an inconvenient length.

I use my pedalboard for more than effects. It's my Command Center (note: it's good for a man to be in command of something) for switching between amps, and sending the signal (with our without effects) to any one of the amps, or to more than one amp at a time. This my pedalboard already did.

But I have some outboard effects that I often want to insert toward the end of the signal path, such as the Fulltone Tape Echo, and pedals like overdrives that I like to have after the boost and compressor. So I decided to put the Little Lehle II on the board between the H9 and the Lehle amp switcher that handles 3 amps.

I also had to install a new H9, because my son is in the middle of a 26 city tour, and one of his pedals started having issues just before he came in for my daughter's wedding last weekend. He was flying from Michigan to Oklahoma the day after, and then out on the road; there was no way he'd have time to order one and wait for it to be delivered, plus mine has all the Max algorithms. So I insisted he take mine, and I replaced it last week after he left.

To have the most room on the pedalboard, the best spot for the Little Lehle was just below the jacks for the amp outputs and pedalboard input that were built into the board. Rather than have the plugs impede access to the Lehle's I/O for the loop, I ordered a Cinco-Cinco, five in, five out patchbay from Gig Rig. It's a handy little box that lets me put more I/O at the edge of the pedalboard, and who can't use more I/O? Can I get an Amen for more I/O?

Anyway, here it is, all wired up, with the tape echo wired into the Cinco-Cinco, the Cinco-Cinco wired into the Lehle, and everything connected with more Van den Hul cables, except the Cinco-Cinco, because I didn't want to order more of the Van den Hul until I was sure I'd like this setup (yes of course I will because I'm that guy whose cables must match).

I would also like to say that more than once during this project, while cussing over the trials and tribulations of trying different layouts on the board, only to return to the original layout, I thought, "Why don't I just stop doing this pedalboard nonsense over and over, and get a Helix or FX8?" only to remember that I basically don't love most digital effects, and found the H9 only after exhausting many other options.

National F#$% Around With Your Pedalboard Day was a success, and there's no additional noise. I even left room for "Future Dirt Pedal," to be added when National Replace Your Power Supply Day comes (I have pre-ordered a Strymon Zuma that has more outlets, I've used up all the outlets on my PP 4x4).



So basically, I like that I can connect all my shtuff to the pedalboard without having to disconnect pedals, and have all the shtuff go to all the amps, and from there to microphones, or the cab clone, or whatever other arrangement strikes my fancy for a session (such as? Oh, glad you asked; such as a direct box).

Basically, for a session, everything is connected to everything, including mics, and all I have to do is step on a pedal to route the signal wherever I need it. And the signal will have the proper signal ground, and no hums, buzzes, or other strange and unpleasant noises (except the noises I make on the guitar that are often strange and less than pleasant, but that's another matter ;)).

I like that.

Before I accept my Pedalboard Oscar, I'd like to thank the Pedal Academy, the Velcro folks, Suhr pedals, Fulltone, Eventide, and a special thanks to Lehle for his problem solvers. Lava cable put up with my many special order requests, and saved the day for me many times.

I'd be remiss if I didn't thank PRS and Mesa for making really nice amps that sound great.

I'd express my gratitude to my wife for resisting the temptation to nail my pecker to the door each time I've come home with a new pedal gizmo, but the truth is that she is afraid of knives. And peckers. And I don't think she has ever wielded a hammer in her life.

So for now I'm safe. ;)
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Nice! I jumped the date a couple of weeks ago. Pulled the Bogner Red off my board and sent it to Boogie to try out.
Now if work would quit bustin' my stones I could get some more time in on the experimentation. Bodia did hook a brutha up! My big pedalboard f-in day was 2 weeks ago...yanked everything off the main board, separated the country gig stuff from the prog rock and created 2 boards. The Bogner Red is busy knocking my socks off so it may have a hard time returning to Chi-town. ;) I suppose I should post some pics or somethin'...

Here's the prog rock version in a beta form just before leaving for practice.
Still the cleanest board I've ever seen...:)

The cables toward the top got a little messy because I didn't measure correctly, so at least there's that lack of perfection...

Lookin' good!

So..... Does this mean you're gonna have to redo it all over when your boy returns the H9? I mean, ya gotta have two, amirite?

It would, if he doesn't keep it, however I want him to keep the H9. It's something I think he'll get some good use out of. I guess we'll see.

Now if work would quit bustin' my stones I could get some more time in on the experimentation. Bodia did hook a brutha up! My big pedalboard f-in day was 2 weeks ago...yanked everything off the main board, separated the country gig stuff from the prog rock and created 2 boards. The Bogner Red is busy knocking my socks off so it may have a hard time returning to Chi-town. ;) I suppose I should post some pics or somethin'...

Here's the prog rock version in a beta form just before leaving for practice.

Nice stuff! Your board looks killer!
You know what I wish?

"No, Les, what do you wish?" :rolleyes:

I wish I had a billion dollars for every time I've moved gear around, changed my pedalboard, or made a cable. Because I'd be very wealthy, and could say all of my aggravation at moving gear, changing my pedalboard or making cables was worth the effort. ;)
You know what I wish?

"No, Les, what do you wish?" :rolleyes:

I wish I had a billion dollars for every time I've moved gear around, changed my pedalboard, or made a cable. Because I'd be very wealthy, and could say all of my aggravation at moving gear, changing my pedalboard or making cables was worth the effort. ;)

Sure, sure. Money doesn't buy happiness. Besides you'd still have sh!t you'd have to move around. Unless, of course, you hired minions to do your bidding.
and there's no additional noise.


Every time I rebuild or piece together a new pedalboard, I'm always worried something will be wrong. Could be noise, or just the opposite, NO noise/sound/anything.

I can tell you're a nice enough father to let your son keep your H9, but if you get it back you won't be disappointed having a couple on there.
Sure, sure. Money doesn't buy happiness. Besides you'd still have sh!t you'd have to move around. Unless, of course, you hired minions to do your bidding.

Oh, I've had minions from time to time. Minions never do it the way I want it done.

But money? Enough of it, and you can buy a plenty good time. ;)
Every time I rebuild or piece together a new pedalboard, I'm always worried something will be wrong. Could be noise, or just the opposite, NO noise/sound/anything.

So true! This is what worries me every time I screw around with my pedalboard, or heck, even mess with the tubes in my amps. Or, uh...change my strings...or....

BTW, I think my son will like the H9 and get use out of it, at the very least on his new record that they're working on between tours. He's also got my Roccaforte Rockie 30, an amp kinda-sorta in the direction of the DG30 only more Brit...and just discovered that it records really well. That's been out in LA for a few years now, and he's just getting around to getting use out of the thing. I'm not planning on seeing the H9 for a long time.

But I may get a third one so I can have two on my board anyway. Because they are fantastic to work with. How great is it to have a box that basically does all the modulations and reverbs and delays well, that you can work via Bluetooth, without ever having to bend on your hands and knees?

I am not a fan of the digital distortion algorithms, though; I think they're pretty awful, and don't respond well to volume or pick attack. But in an emergency, at least you have them. I mean, we all have distortion emergencies, don't we? ;)
How great is it to have a box that basically does all the modulations and reverbs and delays well, that you can work via Bluetooth, without ever having to bend on your hands and knees?

I didn't realize how convenient the H9 Control app was till I started using it after my first unit came in. After I got my second unit I then realized I couldn't live without the H9 Control app with using the Bluetooth feature that I didn't use before. Thank you Eventide!

I am not a fan of the digital distortion algorithms, though; I think they're pretty awful, and don't respond well to volume or pick attack. But in an emergency, at least you have them. I mean, we all have distortion emergencies, don't we? ;)

I'm with you Les, however, I do use a fuzz effect on one part of a song we cover that works nicely. I feel distortion is a dish best served hot, straight from those beautifully lit tubes. I hope to never have a distortion emergency.

Thankfully I have a backup now in my Shiva 20th, so the longest I would have to suffer is part of a gig. Speaking of amps, my Archon is finally on it's way back from Maryland and should arrive tomorrow. Fresh tubes, a repair, and a (PTC) surprise I will share tomorrow...
I used to be a "clean amp plus pedals" guy. Bogner Red is the best OD/dist. Pedal I've ever heard, ( and I was a certified pedal flipper for a few years) and I've often wished I still had it to try with the clean channel on my Custom 50 since it's the best clean channel I've owned.
I didn't realize how convenient the H9 Control app was till I started using it after my first unit came in. After I got my second unit I then realized I couldn't live without the H9 Control app with using the Bluetooth feature that I didn't use before. Thank you Eventide!

I am SO with you on this. In fact, I'd pick the H9 over other digital pedals (including Fractal and Helix) for the simple reason that you need a cable to use them with a computer, and there's no iPad/iPhone app at all. As good as the displays are on the Helix, they really missed the boat by not having Bluetooth.

Once I set up a pedalboard, the last thing I want to do is monkey around with a USB cable and shlep the board over near the computer just to work with a digital pedal.

The H9 is a GREAT sounding pedal, and it's just a treat to work with. In fact, even its built in tuner works well; I checked its tuner against my Peterson tuner, and it's accurate enough that I was able to take the Peterson off the board to make room for something else.

However IMHO the distortion algorithms fall far short. For distortion, if you're not analog, you're giving something up. Reverbs, delays and modulation are (for me) fine in digital.

I'm with you Les, however, I do use a fuzz effect on one part of a song we cover that works nicely. I feel distortion is a dish best served hot, straight from those beautifully lit tubes. I hope to never have a distortion emergency.

I agree, actually, and use a clean boost pedal for when I need a little more push. I don't have an overdrive or distortion pedal on my board right now.

However...there are occasions where I will deploy an OD or fuzz pedal to get a particular sound on a project; and there are two I've made liberal use of: Fulltone's 69 pedal is my favorite fuzz -- let's face it, you can't get a fuzz tone just with an amp, and sometimes that's needed; and I really like what an Xotic BB pedal does with a clean amp if the distortion is rolled back and the pedal is used as a semi-clean boost.
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Still the cleanest board I've ever seen...:)

This is NOT the cleanest board you'll ever see:

In chronological order
Iteration 1

Iteration 2

Iteration 3

I don't have any recent photos, but I removed most of the dirt pedals, and have a Tone King Ironman Mini on the board next to the M13. I'm also back down to using just 1 amp!!!

My goal is to have it more like Les' board. And hopefully about half its current size!
This is NOT the cleanest board you'll ever see:

In chronological order
Iteration 1

Iteration 2

Iteration 3

I don't have any recent photos, but I removed most of the dirt pedals, and have a Tone King Ironman Mini on the board next to the M13. I'm also back down to using just 1 amp!!!

My goal is to have it more like Les' board. And hopefully about half its current size!

Looks like a very cool and capable board to me!