Gold Top Custom 22 Semi-Hollow


New Member
Jul 4, 2015
St. Petersburg
Hey guys! Yesterday I decided it was time to take some pics of my PRS' that I hadn't photographed yet....

This is a 2000 CU22 Semi-Hollow. The story:

WAAAAYYYY back when was just becoming aware of PRS I saw this advertisement in Guitar for the Practicing Musician. It began my lust for a PRS guitar....

I was a young metal player who, at the time, was shredding Ibanez RG550s and S540s. Yet, something about this plain, gold guitar was AWESOME!!!!

Fast forward some 27 years, give or take, I was on a PRS buying spree with the help of my manager friend at GC. We'd sit at the computer checking the used site for potentially killer guitars. Well, one day we were looking and this Gold Top Custom 22 popped up. It INSTANTLY brought back visions of the David Grissom ad....

I HAD to have it, lol. We called the store to get the scoop (condition, case candy, etc) and had it shipped over for me to try. When it finally arrived, we busted open the case to check her out. MINT. FLAWLESS. I was PUMPED!!! We went over to "the Vault" and plugged in. One of the first things I noticed was it seemed physically thicker than my other CU22. It was a little heavier too. Curious, my buddy took out the bird we noticed something different....a little "S.H." next to the Model #....


I started tapping on the top of the body and some areas seemed to ring differently. I jumped on the phone and called PRS Customer Service. I gave them the serial and they looked it up for me. A few minutes later (AWESOME customer service, BTW) I got a call back giving me the full rundown on the guitar. It was, indeed, semi-hollow. Neat - an added bonus!! The reason I say that is because I have always enjoyed Gretsch Duo Jets, and a big part of their sound is the semi-hollow design.

Anyway, we plugged it and spent about an hour running it through it's paces with a variety of amps at high volume. Overall, it has a sound that is very much unique to itself. In fact, I kind of have a love/hate relationship with it. It SUCKS with the band. It's hard to describe, but there is something "wrong" with the sound when I play it in my hard rock band. However, it is a BRILLIANT studio guitar and works great in the context of my Southern Rock/Country side project.

Anyway, on with the pics!!!

Anyway, we plugged it and spent about an hour running it through it's paces with a variety of amps at high volume. Overall, it has a sound that is very much unique to itself. In fact, I kind of have a love/hate relationship with it. It SUCKS with the band. It's hard to describe, but there is something "wrong" with the sound when I play it in my hard rock band. However, it is a BRILLIANT studio guitar and works great in the context of my Southern Rock/Country side

I feel the same way about semi hollows. They have a little less punch and mid range than their solid body brethren , but have a presence and open sound that is really cool on its own. Probably why going to order another despite selling my last one, just takes some time to understand what that sound is all about.
Yeah, it took a while to find where it excelled - it seems to be with lower gain Marshall amps and the Deluxe Reverb. I used it the other day to record a lead on a song. I usually avoid Plexi amps because I don't dig the way the bass breaks up. However, with this guitar it worked. We did do a little bit of fine tuning on the board, but the guitar KILLED in that instance. The amp was pushed to just about breaking up, and the tone of the guitar complimented the amp/cab quite well.