Getting The Amps Ready For...Surgery...??

Great news and a speedy recovery. BTW, the key was under the mat and we replaced all of your amps with the latest digital amps from Crate. Enjoy! :)
Great news and a speedy recovery. BTW, the key was under the mat and we replaced all of your amps with the latest digital amps from Crate. Enjoy! :)

Hahahahaha! Thank you! If you also replaced my PS guitars with accordions I'd be equally grateful!
Sitting here with this cast on...can't play. Talk about being bored - I don't know how non-musicians get through the day!

Sure, I can play keys with one hand, but it's less fun (no jokes please, you're too late anyway, everyone else has already made them). I went and remixed a tune I've already finished, that was kinda OK, But seeing my amps doing nothing, listening to them calling out to me...

[Voice of HAL 9000]

"Les...oh, Les.....we are waaaaiiiiiting for you to play guitar..."

"Sorry guys, I'm stuck like this for a coupla weeks."

"We're disappointed, Les. Very disappointed. We may have to find a new player..."

"Wait a second, you guys are inanimate objects, you can't talk."

"Oh yes we can, dude, in fact we are ready to quit working for you, and go find a new player..."

"Nooooooo! Nooooo!!!!"

[Wife shakes Les, and he wakes up]

"Honey, I think maybe I should stop taking the pain meds."

It'll go with the color of my meds. LOL

Speaking of which, I really enjoy tweeting here on Twitter.
See, I woulda thought it would make you paranoid with all these people "following" you. FWIW, I don't think anyone is after you or anything.
Heal up man! I know it sucks when you can't play, with your income based on your ability to create music, it double sucks!
I broke my wrist playing basketball years ago (mentioned in my boring story for why I quit playing guitar for 10 years) My cast was all the way round the tip of my thumb, and all the way up to the second joint in the fingers. Left hand. I COULD NOT play guitar.
As hard as it may be to believe or even understand, I did play basketball every single day for the whole six weeks I had the cast on. I was pretty much a one armed bandit for a while. Hmm, maybe that can be the new nickname.... Lestoban The One Armed Bandit... Lestoban and Bandito do go well together...
Ahem. The day after tomorrow the cast comes off, and life blossoms anew.

It's kind of like Spring, first romance, and other gollywog happy stuff stuffed into one gigantic swamp of wish fulfillment.

The Ancient One will come to life again amidst the...uh...this is getting kind of overblown isn't it....will come to life again amidst the sturm und drang of Loud Amplifiers...yeah definitely a little over the top, Les...

OK, how's this:

The Old Man will Rock! ;)
Hoping for a good outcome for you Les! I played a 4 hour gig last year 2 weeks after rotator cuff surgery....minus the Pete Townsend whirlwinds though.

Hoping for a good outcome for you Les! I played a 4 hour gig last year 2 weeks after rotator cuff surgery....minus the Pete Townsend whirlwinds though.
Almost every gig for us is 4 hours, too. And since we do a rockin' version of Jailhouse Rock, my nights come with windmills, of the Elvis variety. My rotator cuff damage doesn't flare up much but I'm sure this doesn't help.
Hoping for a good outcome for you Les! I played a 4 hour gig last year 2 weeks after rotator cuff surgery....minus the Pete Townsend whirlwinds though.


You sir, are a hero and a worthy Viking!

I did an ad track two weeks after open heart surgery, but it was in my own studio. In my pajamas. With my wife helping to make sure I didn't fall down the stairs. ;)

Still, I was pretty darn stoked!

Probably slept for the next 2 days.