Dottie got new strings


Award winning tattoo artist ... Amateur guitarist
Nov 5, 2018
In the immortal words of Albert King (In session with SRV), it was "Time to put a set of new strings on the gitfiddle". With a gig this coming Saturday, and studio work starting that next Friday, it had to be done. I haven't changed them in well over 6 months.



So, here was the thing. I got done, and was playing it and out of nowhere, right after the string change, the A string was buzzing like a busted chainsaw. I did a little fiddling around with the saddle, and after getting frustrated, went RIGHT TO my secondary guitar tech (my primary is out of town on vacation). There was no way in H*LL I could have that, a few days out from a gig, and a week and a half from recording! After going over everything, you know what it was...??? It was a flawed string. Somehow, there ended up being extra winding on the overwind. Almost twice as far up the string as usual (all of the wound strings were that way). Popped a new string on there (along with the other two wound strings just to be sure) and viola!! Sounds as good as she is supposed to :cool:
6 months? Thats a long time between string change
I always wipe my strings and board down with microfiber after use. And, to be honest, somehow, I don't remember breaking strings much any more. Used to be I would snap strings like they were going out of style. Now, I couldn't tell you when that happened last. Who knows. . .Maybe I am a little better and more precise picker now than before. Instead of just hacking away at them, maybe I am actually "finding them". Whatever the case may be, she needed a new set. Should be nice and broken in by studio time.
I always wipe my strings and board down with microfiber after use. And, to be honest, somehow, I don't remember breaking strings much any more. Used to be I would snap strings like they were going out of style. Now, I couldn't tell you when that happened last. Who knows. . .Maybe I am a little better and more precise picker now than before. Instead of just hacking away at them, maybe I am actually "finding them". Whatever the case may be, she needed a new set. Should be nice and broken in by studio time.
I don't break strings neither but not really wiping them often (if at all). I do cover them with Dunlop blue formula 65 before I string my guitars and was my hands before a play time. Still - call it OCD, but I change strings as soon as the violins change colour from metal to black. Usually 2 weeks after a string change. I used to give it six weeks to two months but I couldn't bare the rig tone change once I had fresh strings on.

Anyway, I just got bulk shop daddario pack of 25 sets. I should be ok for a year with my two guitars ;)