Don't Put It Off...Do It!


Too Many Notes
Apr 26, 2012
If I've learned anything over the past 6 months, it's that we all hold onto life by a string, and that anything can happen to diminish our skills. I've always wanted to make an electronic music record, because I've been into synths for a long time. I like the genre. I've liked it ever since I first heard "Switched On Bach," by Walter/Wendy Carlos, and the electronic scores by composers like Carlos, Vangelis, Tangerine Dream, etc.

But for the past 25 years, I found excuses not to do it. "There's no purchase order, I only go to the studio for my professional work." "I'm in the studio all day to make a living, I need to relax when I'm not working."

And most lately, "I'm too old. Who's going to take my music seriously?" Etc

And all these excuses have their truths. But they have their drawbacks. As a result, the only record I've released in the past umpteen years is a rock record I produced for a young singer-songwriter, where I played most of the parts. That's it.

Everything else? A TV ad, or on occasion, a TV documentary. That's kind of nuts, isn't it? What kind of creative legacy is that? Music for hire is different from music from the heart!

Well, with the nerve damage to the hand, I've spent more time with my synths again, and I've decided to write some material, not for sale, but for me. For the art of it. For the fun. If and when the hand recovers, I'll be able to do more on guitar.

So I've decided, I'm just going to do it. If it's not good, so be it. Some of it will be better than other parts of it. So in the past few weeks, I've recorded three pieces I kinda like. They're simple, they're utterly electronic, they're no big deal, but they're reflective of what I feel like doing when I do them. They're my own music - by that I mean, there's no client saying, "could you make that part louder, and we want to hear a guitar in there and I don't like that part could you take that out?"

That's big! It's all about me! Yours could be all about you!

And I thought, I have so many friends here who have the ability to write and record music. Some of them are doing it, some are waiting for god only knows what to get started.

Here's the thing. One day you might wake up with issues relating to your ability to do the work at all. One day, you won't wake up. Don't wait for that to happen.

Do your thing. Allow yourself to release your music to the world. It might be well received, it might be ignored, it might criticized, or be just a fun thing for you and your family. But it feels really, really good to do it. And if someone doesn't like it, well, that's their business. All you can control is what you create, you can't control how the world responds to it.

Though you may surprise yourself...

I sent my 3 pieces to my kids to get feedback. Well, I'm their Dad, so maybe they just wanted to make me feel good, but...guess what - they DID make me feel good. They said they loved it. I'm on Cloud 9. Don't wait. Do it. Do it before you find yourself unable to do it. I will tell you, that happens all too soon.

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So, are you talking fully produced songs? Or, are you talking maybe some really cool tracks which leave some room for your buddies to get out their fuzz pedals and jam over? :)

Either way, can't wait to hear it.
So, are you talking fully produced songs? Or, are you talking maybe some really cool tracks which leave some room for your buddies to get out their fuzz pedals and jam over? :)

Either way, can't wait to hear it.

So far, they're complete songs. I started them with the idea that I'd have a little room for guitar when the hand recovers, but that may or may not happen. A couple of days ago, I thought I could do it, not so much the past couple of days.

So for now, they're more or less filled in and there isn't much room for jamming over them.

It's probably going to be a waste of dough, considering that no one will probably like them enough to steal the copyrights, but I want to register them before posting, just in case.
Les, I'm trying to stay on topic and you're not helping by distracting me with hot women! But I guess it's ok. HAHAHAHA

Ok, back to topic. Idea I had when I posted that is... You have this desire to create some tracks. You also want people to start putting up some of their playing. A merger of the two could be something like... Les makes a track and puts it up for members here to download. They then jam over that track and post their take back in a thread for everyone to hear.
I used to be in a smaller guitar forum where we did "Friday Night Jams." They'd put up a backing track, and anyone who wanted to would play over it then post their track on the forum in a Friday Night Jams thread. Some of the tracks were the free ones you can download, but after it caught on, we had forum members recording their own and doing some pretty good stuff. A lot of the tracks were short enough to be managed (many guys don't want to solo for 4-5 minutes! LOL) but some were full 4-5 minute "songs" with different parts, or verse-chorus structure, that required each guy to decide on his approach to playing for that long.

Each track would have it's on FNJ thread, so that each particular tune could stay on and people could take their time and record and post their solos over the track. Some guys would find one they really liked and do as many as 3-4 different recordings and post them all.

Just an idea that might give you a creative outlet that would also serve the other item you were requesting, more guys here posting their playing. I haven't recorded anything since I got my new PC but I'd start setting things up again if I thought something like this was going to happen.

Any interest in this idea?
Idea I had when I posted that is... You have this desire to create some tracks. You also want people to start putting up some of their playing. A merger of the two could be something like... Les makes a track and puts it up for members here to download. They then jam over that track and post their take back in a thread for everyone to hear.

I've done that twice in the past, created and posted these tracks a year or two ago for people to jam to (there was very little interest, I think all of two people downloaded them):

I was somewhat disappointed that I was the only one posting up these kinds of tracks for other people to play on as well. I was doing all the work, everyone else was having the fun? Umm...something wrong with that picture!

Beyond having been there, done that, this thread is about making one's own music, and putting it out in the world, not collaborating online. That's a great idea, and great fun, but it's a different thing!

You have recording gear and want to do that? I'm in. You create the backing tracks this time. ;)
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I've done that twice in the past, created and posted these tracks a year or two ago for people to jam to (there was very little interest, I think all of two people downloaded them):

I had a lot of fun with those. They were a part of the inspiration for me to get some lessons and learn some music theory instead of just wanking around. I really felt like I didn't do them justice and reward your effort.

Obviously didn't know you had tried this before. I will check out the tracks. As far as others having all the fun, couple things. First, I'd expect you to jam over them to if you were able. But the bigger point is, I know you've been struggling lately with your playing issues, and you just expressed a desire to do some other forms of music that you can currently create. The idea was suggested as an outlet to let you do what you wanted, but also to facilitate the other thing you had recently requested, to hear more guys play. I figured a guy like you could whip up a 2 minute BT pretty quickly. I'm not set up to do that at all any more. No drum programs, my daughter finally took her Roland synth when they got their new house, etc.

There are two barriers here (and we dealt with them the last time) that keep guys from doing this. One, many guys have a basic recording setup but it takes some help to actually get set up and use it. Second, lots of guys aren't comfortable with playing and putting it out there for others. The need some assurance that they won't be embarrassed, etc. and that keeps many from even trying.

It was just an idea though. If it doesn't appeal to you, we could still do something similar with other BTs, if the guys were interested.
I had a lot of fun with those. They were a part of the inspiration for me to get some lessons and learn some music theory instead of just wanking around. I really felt like I didn't do them justice and reward your effort.
So the net result was even more important than Les realized at the time. See that Les? The influence is deeper than you realized. NICE!
So the net result was even more important than Les realized at the time. See that Les? The influence is deeper than you realized. NICE!

It's all good, but there's time, effort and creativity involved in writing and recording a piece of music. As much as I love the Forum, and everyone on it, I think I need to concentrate on: two important things: the stuff I do for a living, which I've done all along, and the stuff I want to do for myself, that I've put off for 25 years.

I love the forum brothers, but there's only so much energy available at this stage of my life....

BTW, I know how many folks downloaded them, because they had to PM me for links. There was Rob and maybe 1 or 2 other guys.
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