Crack/Rable on a PRS Neck-still worth a Buy? Picture Included

:oops::(Because I was afraid, that someone would grab it before me..Stupid me..But the picture with the crack was not in included in the original Sellers Offer..The damage was simply not visible on the pictures the seller showed..
He sent me the picture with the Crack after I´ve asked about if the guitar is damaged..
I wouldn’t jump to stupid.
It can still be a very good guitar.
Plug it in and give it a chance. And work the neck as hard as you ever would.
If you have it in front of you, you can look at the ‘crack’ and judge if it is just the finish (harmless) or if it is in the wood. And you can tell if what Alnus and I thought might be a dent was just a trick of the light.

Just because there is damage, it doesn’t mean that you can’t resolve this to your satisfaction.
I wouldn’t jump to stupid.
It can still be a very good guitar.
Plug it in and give it a chance. And work the neck as hard as you ever would.
If you have it in front of you, you can look at the ‘crack’ and judge if it is just the finish (harmless) or if it is in the wood. And you can tell if what Alnus and I thought might be a dent was just a trick of the light.

Yes. it can..But it is purchased via E-Bay..That means if I pay for the purchase and the guitar will be delivered, so there is nothing anymore I can do, to cancel the purchase..
Going through a similar dilemma myself at the moment! Good luck, let us know if you pull the trigger