"Bernie" vs Les Paul Question of size!


New Member
Apr 29, 2015
Good morning, I've been looking at Bernie's on the web and listened to some on ytube. I like what I see and hear. I realize the scale is 24.5 but where can I find the actual neck profile measurements? And does the body have the same dimensions as the Les Paul? Any overlay pictures anywhere? Thanks!
PRS lists the Bernie as Wide Fat and the typical neck profile measurements can be found here - https://www.prsguitars.com/csc/neckprofiles.html. Several people commented that there is a difference between WF and the Bernie's profile - unfortunately I can't comment on that as I do not own a PRS with a WF or Pattern neck shape.

If you are more familiar with the Gibson profiles, then I would say it is very close to the 50s rounded profile. When I still had a Gibson SG with that profile, I spent some time comparing them and ultimately came to the conclusion that there a slight differences, but not enough to really fret over for me. Both were extremely comfortable to me and I am very picky about neck shapes - anything too thin and my left thumb starts cramping up with certain chord shapes.

Can't comment on the body dimensions as I never looked at those.
The PRS Singlecut body has more of a teardrop shape and doesn't get as narrow at the waist as an LP. The width of the lower bout is the same though. Not sure on body depth on the Bernie, but the body on other SE models is thinner than an LP.
The Bernie is thicker than other SE models. About as thick as an LP. Neck is fatter than the W/F SE's. It's pretty close to his "Beast" LP which was used as the starting idea for development.