Another moon landing for... some people not to believe

What is better, I wonder:
A 60's/70's guitarists who still thinks their era of music is better and longs to seduce the underage teens?

The 80's rocker who started the trans movement into music by dressing like women, and wearing makeup and nail polish?

The 90's grunge musician who allowed it to be okay to play out of tune and pitch vocals with "holy" attire?

The 2000's singers who embraced auto-tune and artificial harmonies a little too much ?

The 2010's guitarists who made poly-math/bi-rythmns a thing who can only play super fast and accurate in their youtube videos buy freeze up when playing live and hard earned gigging?

The 2020's musicians who use transgender marketing and other pseudo marketing strategies to create a fanbase and make their money vs developing actual skills?

I think I summed it up all accurately lol

The choice is yours!
With My Thrash Roots I Sum It Up Like This...If It Isn't Thrash You Must Have A Gash. (Kidding...I Really Don't Think That All The Time. Just Most Of The Time). :)
This is supposed to be it. They never can zoom in far enough to really see it. The moon just turns everything black & white.
