Wheel O Forum Game 9


A♥ hoards guitars ♥A Soldier 25, DFZ
Jun 26, 2012
deep in the raspberry...
Welcome to rugerpc's Wheel-O-Forum Game (9)
The category is "coming soon"

The Board: This puzzle contains numbers


Used letter board:


REFRESH or RELOAD in your browser to see the latest version of the boards....

see post # 2 for rules.
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Game Play:

Everyone gets to play. We're not going to limit ourselves to just a few members.

This is my obvious ripoff of a popular TV game show.
Each player will have a possible 2 plays per turn.
The FIRST HALF of your turn can be either a guess at a letter or a try at solving the puzzle. If you guess a new letter that is in the puzzle, you will get a chance to solve. If you tried to solve and were wrong, your turn is over.
The SECOND HALF of your turn (if you didn't attempt to solve in the first half) must be an attempt to solve or a pass.
Player's turns END when they:

• guess an incorrect letter or a letter already guessed;

• make an incorrect guess at a solution;

• take too long to make their next move;

• Pass to the next player.

Once your turn is over, you can't have a new turn until someone else has had a turn.

If a player passes and you want to be next - go ahead and post, you do not need to wait until I ask for a new player.

The first 8 rounds may only guess a consonant. Thereafter, players may guess a consonant or a vowel or a number... The use of search engines of any kind is strictly prohibited.

Please do not ruin the game for others by guessing or solving out of turn.

So, who's turn is it now? Yours!
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read the rules :)
Wait, what??? Your clue said it contained numbers? That's why I guessed a 5. Of course, the board wasn't visible when I posted that either. I may have gone a different route. I suck..........:oops:
Ok, that's enough guesses for the moment, we'll start with Wardog's "S" in the morning and take you guys in turn...
Darnit. This is going to take forever.

Remember people. The first rule of the Wheel O Forum Thread is......... to constantly pay attention to the Wheel O Forum Thread.