PRS standard treble pickup


New Member
Sep 3, 2023
Hi and thanks for reading!
My main and reference in sound guitar is my one piece top '89 custom 24.
As a back up guitar I got a '07 Navarro signature (braz board) modified with a mil-com Trem and HFS/VB pickups. It really makes a good job but I'd love to change the HFS to a standard treble to come as close as possible.
Unfortunately it seems to be impossible to find a standard treble on the market somewhere.
So the question is: which of the PRS pickups would do the job best?

Hi and thanks for reading!
My main and reference in sound guitar is my one piece top '89 custom 24.
As a back up guitar I got a '07 Navarro signature (braz board) modified with a mil-com Trem and HFS/VB pickups. It really makes a good job but I'd love to change the HFS to a standard treble to come as close as possible.
Unfortunately it seems to be impossible to find a standard treble on the market somewhere.
So the question is: which of the PRS pickups would do the job best?

if not too late , got one :-)
Hi and thanks for reading!
My main and reference in sound guitar is my one piece top '89 custom 24.
As a back up guitar I got a '07 Navarro signature (braz board) modified with a mil-com Trem and HFS/VB pickups. It really makes a good job but I'd love to change the HFS to a standard treble to come as close as possible.
Unfortunately it seems to be impossible to find a standard treble on the market somewhere.
So the question is: which of the PRS pickups would do the job best?

Does your bridge pickup have the different pole pieces for high E and B strings?
Does your bridge pickup have the different pole pieces for high E and B strings?
have to look for it , i am not that expert in that case , i just got some original packed picks after liqidation of a shop ...... i will send you answer asap
Hi and thanks for reading!
My main and reference in sound guitar is my one piece top '89 custom 24.
As a back up guitar I got a '07 Navarro signature (braz board) modified with a mil-com Trem and HFS/VB pickups. It really makes a good job but I'd love to change the HFS to a standard treble to come as close as possible.
Unfortunately it seems to be impossible to find a standard treble on the market somewhere.
So the question is: which of the PRS pickups would do the job best?

Just a heads up, don't expect both guitars to sound identical, even with the same pickups.

I have a couple of CU22s (2006/2007) with Dragon IIs, one of them sounds .. ok .. the other sounds amazing.

So there's either a difference in pickup winding over the years, or wood really does make a difference, or both.
Hi and thanks for your replies!
Yes, the treble pickup has got the different polepieces on the high e and b. That's the one I'm looking for.
@ joeman: It would be nice to send a close up picture of the pickup - thanks!!!
@ Black Plaid: It's just a try... I actually put in a dragon II and changed the alnico 4 magnet to a Alnico 5 short and unpolished. That made a huge step in the right direction. It sounds really great but it still would be nice to hear the standard treble...

Thanks and regards