OGD - Just got my HB back from complete re-fret.

Huggy Love

Vintage member
Mar 10, 2015
It's like a brand new axe!!! On top of that Gary did a perfect setup, he thought I was going to have him do some minor adjustments but dead on the money, it was perfect height action & intonation spot on. There's a reason he has his column in GP and does Satriani's guitars, he's bald, he's bad, and he gives a $#it about your instrument. Forgive my crappy phone camera & pics, and I haven't figured out how to post full size pics but you can click on them for a closer look..

Great looking work! I am about ready to have new frets put on my Hollowbody I - Who is Gary? Where is he located?
Great looking work! I am about ready to have new frets put on my Hollowbody I - Who is Gary? Where is he located?

Gary Brawer is in SF, he does the repair column for GP magazine and works on Satriani's and Metallica's instruments. PM me if you can't find him online, but he's easy to find.