It's Science

Moondog Wily

In Tune Wit Da Moon!
Feb 12, 2021
Piccolomini Crater, Luna
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I love this. The music is my kinda jam.
Thanks László, high praise from you indeed! Some other similar synth stuff I have been doing is at if you want to check any of it out ;~)) Loving these synths I have found!! I am starting a series of releases called "In The Flesh" and the first suite, which will include the one above, will be titled "Seven Suns Suite". Going to put some updates on the pieces currently on the Electronica page above and get them up on my Bandcamp page this weekend! Having a BLAST with this stuff!!! I have some poems and writings I am going to do spoken word with on some in the future.
Using old film-making terms: 'great picture, great track.' Really enjoyable.

Is there a specific theme?
Thanks for the kind words. For this one, no theme to speak of. I just threw this one together quickly once I got the idea to set these images to this piece. A lifelong friend of mine who has been playing with this AI image generation as well said to me a couple of months ago "this is great, but these images are just going to sit on our hard drives". I did not agree with him at the time and made it clear my primary interest was using this stuff for artwork to accompany my music creations, but did not at that time think of music videos. As I have been putting these synth pieces together (also an accident, but I found some synth patches that just put me in a trance both playing and listening), I have been thinking about officially releasing them, and a few nights ago said, why not make a video with these AI generated images. The morphing from image to image on these is OK at best IMO, but I will find a better way, I just am not ready to pay for a solution (I already pay for the entire Adobe CC suite, so between AE and Premiere, I should be able to get it done with better results, in learning mode)! I DO intend for future videos to have more of a theme, but this one was simply 170 or so images from stuff I had produced on Jun 13. Glad you like, there will be more (was working on "Wilson" last night which you can listen to at , video would be up already but Premiere kept crashing on me when I was near completion).
Thanks László, high praise from you indeed! Some other similar synth stuff I have been doing is at if you want to check any of it out ;~)) Loving these synths I have found!! I am starting a series of releases called "In The Flesh" and the first suite, which will include the one above, will be titled "Seven Suns Suite". Going to put some updates on the pieces currently on the Electronica page above and get them up on my Bandcamp page this weekend! Having a BLAST with this stuff!!! I have some poems and writings I am going to do spoken word with on some in the future.
I will check them out!
Oh man, Moondog - your creativity overfloweth. Love your synth piece there, nicely bubbling - and your mix is awesome. It actually sounds three dimensional out of my laptop Great separation of the various sounds. And of course, there's the sequencing of the AI artwork. Phenomenal 'Dog, just phenomenal.
Oh man, Moondog - your creativity overfloweth. Love your synth piece there, nicely bubbling - and your mix is awesome. It actually sounds three dimensional out of my laptop Great separation of the various sounds. And of course, there's the sequencing of the AI artwork. Phenomenal 'Dog, just phenomenal.
Thanks for the kind words and enthusiasm Tom, I am having so much FUN with this synth stuff (and the AI images)! Glad you enjoy it as well ;~)) I have been trying to get a song of mine (not synthesizer, more Rock) out for a couple of weeks now and it's final mix eludes me!! Anyway, just posted another synth one with video called "Wilson", check it out if you get a chance!!!