
I am so diggin' that Celtic Knot
Had myself a little NGD party tonight with a slow blues jam in Am.

This showed up today. :) I now understand all the buzz from the new Studio model owners. Narrowfields sound fantastic and the wood on this guitar is exceptional. It is notably resonant.

After pulling it from the box, I yanked the strings, oiled the fretboard and the neck, loaded some nickel .10's, slammed the action, and tightened the trussrod just a hair. It is so smooth now. Man... I dig this one. I'll be keeping it.

Thanks again for a smooth deal, Scotty. I'm a very happy camper.

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Awesome, love it!! Off the charts with the Rosewood Neck and the unique inlays, plus the sick top and the cool finish!

I dig those Narrowfields, had a SASNF, sold it a while back, because I felt the Humbucker plus 2 NF would be a better setup for me than 3 NF's. A Swamp Studio or a Studio has been on my wish list for a while, I just might have to get me one of those soon!
Beautiful! You should seriously consider a trip to the PTC for coil splitting on the Narrowfields. Before all the bad things happened to my Studio, it was my favorite mod! If I ever get another NF equipped axe, it's going straight back to Maryland for that mod.
Nice to see some love for the NFs. Would like to hear more about the coil splitting - something I should consider for my ME III?
That color goes so well with mixed hardware. Totally sets it over the top. Congrats!!!