If you like Foo Fighters and B movies...


Bluebeard Member
Nov 12, 2012
...then you should go see Studio 666 while it's still in theaters. It has, apparently and unsurprisingly, flopped - but it's SO MUCH fun. The youngest Aahzz offspring works at the theater, and took Mrs Aahzz, the oldest Aahzz offspring, and me to see it. So, we got in free - but I would have happily paid. The Foos are obviously not actors, but this doesn't even try to be a good movie - it tries to be wonderfully awful, and succeeds. It's a completely campy take on horror movies and it's just silly fun - we laughed through the whole thing. Buckets of gore, but so obviously fake and overdone that it's hilarious. Also, there's a treat in there for Slayer fans. I didn't think I could like Dave Grohl more than I already did, but this just ups his level of awesome.
I'll likely wait until the DVD comes out, or I can stream it. I saw some trailers, and Grohl interviews about it. Total campfest! If you haven't read Grohl's book yet, Storyteller, pick it up. I already thought I liked David (not a huge Foo fan, but I do like them) before I read the book. Afterwards, I really like him. I'd like to hang out with him. Great book.
I'll likely wait until the DVD comes out, or I can stream it. I saw some trailers, and Grohl interviews about it. Total campfest! If you haven't read Grohl's book yet, Storyteller, pick it up. I already thought I liked David (not a huge Foo fan, but I do like them) before I read the book. Afterwards, I really like him. I'd like to hang out with him. Great book.
I'm halfway through the book, enjoying it immensely. Dave's at the top of my list of people I'd like to hang with.
I strongly dislike Foo Fighters music, but… I totally dig the people (and some of their old bands) and their other endeavors. The thrash song they released had me giggling almost as much as them doing Bee Gees covers, and Sound City was great.

Will watch this movie!
I strongly dislike Foo Fighters music, but… I totally dig the people (and some of their old bands) and their other endeavors. The thrash song they released had me giggling almost as much as them doing Bee Gees covers, and Sound City was great.

Will watch this movie!
Yup, Sound City was awesome for sure.
And ever since Learn to Fly video came out I knew the sense of humour would keep on.
Here's one of my few remaining "high profile" industry connections - my son goes to school with Taylors' kid. It's fun to visit and see them jamming out on Motorhead and old Metallica.

BTW I love the Sound City doc but it doesn't do much to stop industry punters from the overt analog fetishization. The whole "tape tells the truth" thing is absurd - tape sounds good because of its limitations in a lot of ways. Don't get me wrong - I love me some vintage gear, especially as part of the digital world. Tracking a guitar DI through a 1081 preamp or running groups / mixes through a 4K G-Bus Comp really does give your sound a nice sheen. But hell if I'm going to pay $300 per reel for what amounts to about $0.13 worth of HD space, to say nothing of maintaining a $15,000 tape machine built in 1989.