A place called C&M Music Center is offering free plek service on certain SE models. Worth it?


New Member
Oct 18, 2023
In particular, the SE McCarty has the 20% discount AND a free plek. So, $759 plus tax, total. Free shipping too.

Does anyone have any experience ordering from this place? This seems too good to be true, but they have good reviews on reverb.
Done business with C&M and can't say enough good things about 'em....great shop, great service, great selection, easy transaction, and a great price.

I cannot, unfortunately, answer your question about the PLEK service as I have never had that done.
We'll see on the PLEK. My assumption was that it was extra and buying an ME-V was already a good chunk of change for me even though it was a good deal. The guitar was new though so not sure if there was a need on top of what PRS does.
here the jury is still out on the PLEK service
I have one that was PLEKed
it still needed to have a good set up
the PLEK service made the set up easier
but ultimately once it was set up to my preferences
it was no different than one that was not pleked but had a proper set up
so I would not pay to have one PLEKed
but a free PLEKing makes final set up easier so I wouldn't say no to it
it is just not the end all be all setup it is advertised as
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To PLEK A Guitar Before It IS Set Up Makes No Sense Because The Set Up Could Potentially "Throw Off" The So Called Benefit of The PLEK. If The Guitar Is Set Up Proper Ahead Of Time The PLEK Likely Will Not Be Necessary. If Not Done This Way Then You Lose Fret Material For No Reason And It Still May Need More Work Than If You Didn't Get The PLEK To Begin With. As I Said Before, The PLEK Machine IS Only As Good As The Person Operating It And If Everything Is Not Done Right And In Order You Can Very Easily Open Up A Few Cans Of Worms. YMMV
It is my understanding that having a dealer PLEK your guitar will void the warranty. That said, I would not worry about it with an SE but for a US made model, I would not do that unless I was second owner and warranty was already gone as a result of that.

But good points are made here. When it is done and by whom are critical decisions in moving forward with such a decision.
I have had a strat plek'd and Les Paul. My PRS guitars have not needed it. I trust the tech that has plek'd my guitars and they were done for a specific reason (bad factory fret work).
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