finish issue

  1. Z

    SE Satin finish scratches

    I recently bought a 2022 SE Holcomb SVN with the 'coffee stain'/satin finish. It was bought brand new from a mom and pop store out of Kentucky. When I received it (bought through Reverb) it played and worked fine but it has a few superficial scratches on it. Plus some 'gunk'/residue on the upper...
  2. Jotarock

    "Normal" finish issue on a SE custom?

    Hi everyone! I recently discover that my guitar has an irregular painting job. It seems like someone in the factory fucked things up and tried to fix it whit some extra painting and glue. The good news is that is barely visible (the picture was taken with light flash). You need to look closely...
  3. truetoprssince89

    02 amber custom 24 finish issue cutaway horn becoming cloudy

    Any body ever had "cloudy finish" issues with a PRS, I have been playing these guys since '89 never had an issue with finishes. Issue is on a custom I recently purchased , its a 2002 custom 24 all original in mint condition other than the horn clouding , which has slowly happened over the past...
  4. AragonWingfoot

    Purple Finish Fading

    So I’ve heard a lot about blue fading and seen what that looks like. Does anybody have examples of what a purple would look like when it fades. I have a Wood Library Purple mist and would like to “see into the future.” Thanks everybody!
  5. Skeeter

    Rapid fading of certain finishes?

    Hi, I’m looking at a used (a little over 2 years old) PRS in Faded Blue Jean. I was able to find its original listing and the color has faded a good bit since then. The extremely trustworthy, big time PRS dealer tells me that FBJ finish has a very common fading problem, and otherwise lists...
  6. Skeeter

    Rapid fading of specific colors?

    Hi, I’m looking at a used (a little over 2 years old) PRS in Faded Blue Jean. I was able to find its original listing and the color has faded a good bit since then. The extremely trustworthy, big time PRS dealer tells me that FBJ finish has a very common fading problem, and otherwise lists...
  7. MichaelS

    Santana arrived... but what's this?

    'New' 2015 Santana arrived yesterday (from Signature Dealer) and noticed today that there's something like a blister or hairline crack on the neck. One of them that can be felt to the touch and two smaller ones that just look like a dull blemish or bubble so far under the finish. I can't figure...