Recent content by Jameskirk

  1. J

    Prs se 24 standard tremolo springs

    Yes, I changed the string gauge and the tuning also sometimes. But I thought it won't affect anything beacuse it isn't a floyd rose. Now my guitar goes always out of tune. Will another string help to solve this problem. Also on other question: can I just change the tuning on my guitar without...
  2. J

    Prs se 24 standard tremolo springs

    So recently I noticed that my prs se 24 standard only has 3 springs instead of 4(or 5) . So my question is which springs fit in for my prs se 24 standard,because I need them due to the fact that my guitar bridge is very high know(cause it only has 3 springs in it)
  3. J

    Prs se Standard 24 springs.

    So recently I bought my new Prs se Standard 24. And everything was fine until I changed the strings to a heavier gauge and suddenly the bride was standing up high. So I put off the backplate and thigtend up the screw but it didn't help. Then I found out that the guitar comes with 4 springs(it's...