Who did u meet at the PRS 30th anniversary event

I don't know what any of you look like so I don't know if I met any of you or not. (Except for Wardog of course.)

But you may have seen me. There was a moment at the factory in the tent when Paul was thanking everyone and he also extended thanks to the wives who let us guys spend all that money on his guitars. That's when I began pointing to my wife in a bright red dress who was standing next to me because I thought she fit that description perfectly. Paul called me out on that action and we all determined that I was the junkie, she was the enabler and that Paul was the drug dealer. hahaha It was a fun exchange.

Me and my Wife were having fun with that as she was pushing me to buy my 30th lol. That was the best line ever
Rob, Alan...No worries,...I get a funny feeling I have ADD whenever I am around that many people that love PRSi...just an awesome weekend...goes by so frickin fast, with so much to see and catch up on...what do you think guys...Next September!?!?!?
Yup - The mini "PR Less" at the Holiday Inn on Saturday night was once again hilarious - We played until after 2AM. (I think we even had a conga line going led by Jon) & my stomach still hurts from laughing! 'Wish I could see some of the knuckleheads more often.
Yup - The mini "PR Less" at the Holiday Inn on Saturday night was once again hilarious - We played until after 2AM. (I think we even had a conga line going led by Jon) & my stomach still hurts from laughing! 'Wish I could see some of the knuckleheads more often.

Then have another in September!
I'm sorry, I didn't hear you... I must have had something in my ear...

Well, I'm just a modern guy
Of course, I've had it in the ear before.
I have a lust for life
'Cause of a lust for life.

--Iggy Pop, Lust For Life (1977)
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I saw no one I'm sad to say. I made the correct choice and stayed at home with my bride who just lost her mother to leukemia on the 12th. She of course said for me to go that she would be ok.....we've been together far too long for me to fall into,that trap....lol. I'll catch up with all you guys the next Experience or Anniversary.
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I saw no one I'm sad to say. I made the correct choice and stayed at home with my bride who just lost her mother to leukemia on the 12th. She of course said for me to go that she would be ok.....we've been together far too long for me to fall into,that trap....lol. I'll catch up with all you guys the next Experience or Anniversary.

Yes, you choose wisely. Sorry to hear about your mother in law.
We'll be around next time.