What sounds better?


Jan 24, 2022
Playing Gold in the Ceiling. Right after the intro you’re hanging on the G note on the low E. Do you think it sounds better down strummed or can I alternate pick it. It just doesn’t sound right when you alternate pick or maybe it’s just me.

They show in some of the tutorials that it is down picked. I guess I will alternate pick. It just doesn’t sound correct!
They show in some of the tutorials that it is down picked. I guess I will alternate pick. It just doesn’t sound correct!
You might need to work on your pick angle and more consistent alternate attack. Distortion will often exaggerate any variation in attack. That can be a handicap, or it can be a bonus if you’re trying for some texture in a lick. Either way, it’s good to have a nice even alternating attack in your toolbox.
I just didn’t know if alternate pick was my friend or foe in this particular song. A nice aggressive bouncy pick attack suits this song best. It’s more pleasing to my ear as well.
I just didn’t know if alternate pick was my friend or foe in this particular song. A nice aggressive bouncy pick attack suits this song best. It’s more pleasing to my ear as well.
I always prefer alternate picking unless I can’t get a nice even sound for some reason. Also, when palm muting, I might lean more to the downstroke than to alternate.