Thank you Shawn for the limited run John Mayer 594!!!


New Member
Jul 16, 2013
John Mayer's 3 pick-up 594 is my all-time favorite PRS from a tonal standpoint. I prefer it by miles over his Super Eagle. I saw a back-shot of the 594 that made it appear that he has a maple neck, but the pick-up modifications and the switching system are a well-kept secret.

So, I'd like to thank Shawn in advance for going into Paul's office tomorrow morning and saying, "Hey boss, I have a brilliant idea. We offer a limited-run of JM's custom 594. I can guarantee you that we'll sell out instantly."

Shawn, please let us know how the meeting goes, and what sort of "thank you" bonus Mr. Smith gives you for such a great idea!
You guys just had to ruin this guy’s weekend, didn’t you? Couldn’t let him have a happy Sunday thinking about he was going to live out a dream and get a guitar he clearly wants. No, you just had to jump in and slap the happy out his mouth. Now what’s Monday going to do to top that?

I hope you’re happy with yourselves.
You guys just had to ruin this guy’s weekend, didn’t you? Couldn’t let him have a happy Sunday thinking about he was going to live out a dream and get a guitar he clearly wants. No, you just had to jump in and slap the happy out his mouth. Now what’s Monday going to do to top that?

I hope you’re happy with yourselves.
Happy? Extremely! :p