Technical Recomendation for DAW Recording Needed


Who is John Galt?
Sep 20, 2013
First of all, I KNOW there are thousands of different brands of software I could choose for DAW recording. But I am trying to save time and reduce learning curve time by asking for advice which will simplify my search. So I'm looking for advice which is much more specific than "well you can use whatever you want, it's all up to your personal preference". I don't know what I want and I'm hoping someone can tell me what I want and why.

I was able to successfully record audio like this...
Microphone> Apogee Duet interface> iPad (with Maestro software to support the Duet)> Auria Pro recording software.

I want to record just as before but I need to replace the iPad with a Windows 10 computer and Auria Pro does not work on Windows (as I understand it) so I need this instead...
Microphone> Apogee Duet interface> Win10 PC (with Maestro software to support the Duet)> INSERT BRAND NAME of recording software here.

The new software I choose must be compatible with that PRS Amps - Waves plug-in thing they sell...

My budget for Auria Pro was $50.00 and the software worked really great! But what do I use now for Win10?

HA! It figures. As soon as I ask the question, I discover that I bought a Movie/Video editing suite of software which included a music making program which is full of instruments, but the instructions say that you can use it for audio voiceover recording too. So, if that works as advertised, it would mean that I've already got an audio recording program. What I don't know is if will accept the PRS amp plug-ins. The software is called MAGIX Music Maker that came with a VEGAS Movie editing software.
My wife uses Magix movie maker and Waves plug-ins that I have for Protools. Compressors, NR systems, etc....but if those work, then the PRS amps should too - or so I would guess.
I could do a billion word post on this topic. It’s a good thing that you’ve managed to avoid that!


Well Les, all you need is about 80,000 to 125,000 words and then you can have it published and call it a "book".

You're welcome.

Can you dedicate the book to me? :)

I’ll write the book and dedicate it to you as soon as PRS comes out with my Sig model guitar! :)

How about if I write your name on one of my extra truss rod covers with a Sharpie marker and send it to you. Would that count as a signature model?
How about if I write your name on one of my extra truss rod covers with a Sharpie marker and send it to you. Would that count as a signature model?

Kinda...but only if you make a website page in Photoshop announcing the new model with a video of me sitting with Paul, playing it and BSing about why I spec’d it out that way...

{harp glissando SFX}

“So. Les, we’re here doing this video at the PRS demo room, to talk about your new Signature Private Stock model.”

“Thanks, Paul. It was a real honor to have PRS make a guitar with my name on it.”

“Yeah, well it probably helped that you changed your name to Les Zeppelin. We’re writing the “s” kinda funny, so folks will think it’s a Led Zeppelin model unless they squint at the “s” for a long time and realize it’s not a “d.” And your name’s just written on the TRC with a it can easily be replaced. Anyway, tell us about the guitar.”

“Paul, it’s pretty much like my 20th Private Stock Anniversary model, only it’s all solid African ribbon mahogany, with three P-90s, an ebony fretboard, a 594 neck, and maple binding around the top and the fretboard. the trem is the Gen III with locking saddles, and the tuner buttons are ebony to match the fretboard and headstock overlay. Shall I play something on it through this DG30 amp that’s like the one I use?”

“No. It’s not really necessary.”


“Les, I don’t know how to put this to ya, man, but...well, no one really wants to listen to you play guitar.”

{harp glissando}
Auria Pro looks cool; wasn't aware of it before now. For Win I would suggest Reaper. I've used it since before 1.0 and it's really good and more than fairly priced.
I'm starting to think that Reaper is going to be the way to go. I got to looking at the Magix Music Maker which I discovered I already had it it looks pretty hokey with a lot of crap I don't want. However, from what I am seeing on the Web, Reaper seems to have a growing following, industry credibility and a good support system. I also like that it is very "bare bones" without a bunch of useless crap that I don't need. So, I think I'll be making a Reaper purchase tomorrow.

Thank you all for your input!