Starla Core PUs in a Custom 24


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May 21, 2021
Here's the story. Love my core starla soundwise, but it is not really comfy, nor overly stable. I like my CU24, but the original 57/08 are not really working in the context where I use my guitars (church), however the guitar is very comfortable and stable. Qualities I like in a guitar. And it is easy on the eyes, whick is always a bonus.

So, here's what I am thinking: put the starla PUs in my CU24 and replace the Starla PUs with something different. I will shelf the 57/08's for now.

Has anybody tried this PU swap? And want to share experiences?
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Why not. It’s a core and it’s yours to do with what you want. By the way, I am too cheap to one a core model.
I liked the Starla pickup in my S2 Studio so much, I put one in the neck position of my S2 CU22 semi hollow to clean up the low end and add some clarity. Granted, these were the “S” version, but people rave about the core version even more. Myself, I’m fine with the S.

You’ll get the more clear (brighter, and perhaps slightly thinner) sound of the pickups. IMO it’s the move to make when you aren’t getting what you want with a set of PAF style pickups
Thanks for the reply. I was wondering if scale lenghth has an impact. The starla has a scale length of 24.5" whereas my cu24 has 25". The hardware ia different too.