Rust Never Sleeps.


Too Many Notes
Apr 26, 2012
3 1/2 weeks ago I contracted Covid. It was unpleasant, but I've been vaccinated multiple times, and I had a very mild case. However, I didn't do any musical things for a couple of weeks. I was kind if listless.

When I got back to making music, I was working out some orchestral ideas and hardly played guitar. Today, I decided it was high time I practiced guitar. So I played my McCarty Singlecut (I had a dream about it last night, which was odd), and I played my acoustic.

My fingers disobeyed. It felt like I'd never picked up a guitar in my life, let alone played halfway decently. I could hardly do a thing. I was terrible, a no-sh!t-dick-tracy wake-up call.

I swear, the older I get, the harder it is to shake off the rust after even a short break away from the instrument.
3 1/2 weeks ago I contracted Covid. It was unpleasant, but I've been vaccinated multiple times, and I had a very mild case. However, I didn't do any musical things for a couple of weeks. I was kind if listless.

When I got back to making music, I was working out some orchestral ideas and hardly played guitar. Today, I decided it was high time I practiced guitar. So I played my McCarty Singlecut (I had a dream about it last night, which was odd), and I played my acoustic.

My fingers disobeyed. It felt like I'd never picked up a guitar in my life, let alone played halfway decently. I could hardly do a thing. I was terrible, a no-sh!t-dick-tracy wake-up call.

I swear, the older I get, the harder it is to shake off the rust after even a short break away from the instrument.
You'll be fine! Muscle memory will kick in and you will be riding that bike again with pride in no time!! Glad the Covid was mild for you!!!
Just got back from yet another booster shot.
I went a long time without getting the plague. So long in fact I thought I'd never get it.
Wrong... Got it about 3 or 4 months ago. It's not if, it's when.
I had no interest in doing anything, including playing. I didn't have it bad but it was enough to knock me off my game.
It took a while to get my schlitz back together again, and I know you'll be back soon.
3 1/2 weeks ago I contracted Covid. It was unpleasant, but I've been vaccinated multiple times, and I had a very mild case. However, I didn't do any musical things for a couple of weeks. I was kind if listless.

When I got back to making music, I was working out some orchestral ideas and hardly played guitar. Today, I decided it was high time I practiced guitar. So I played my McCarty Singlecut (I had a dream about it last night, which was odd), and I played my acoustic.

My fingers disobeyed. It felt like I'd never picked up a guitar in my life, let alone played halfway decently. I could hardly do a thing. I was terrible, a no-sh!t-dick-tracy wake-up call.

I swear, the older I get, the harder it is to shake off the rust after even a short break away from the instrument.

Similar experience, only my Covid case was brutal, still dealing with the after effects, but yea I spent a few days feeling like a total beginner. Not good for the coffee house tour I'm planning where I'm the only musician having to hold down enough sounds to support a vocalist and god forbid I forget an arrangement or miss a single chord and the bottom drops out from under my singer.

Stopped by the local GC the other day to grab some strings, strummed a couple used axes, and was totally blown out by a couple of noodlers next to me trying out amps. Humbling to say the least, but it did send me home to sort out my chops and get the wheels greased.

I'm up there with you age wise, plus I have these arthritis/spine/nerve issues, hands going numb a little on bar chords, all we can do is make the best of what we've got, with the time we have left on the axe.

Hang in there baby, it'll come back.
Similar experience, only my Covid case was brutal, still dealing with the after effects, but yea I spent a few days feeling like a total beginner. Not good for the coffee house tour I'm planning where I'm the only musician having to hold down enough sounds to support a vocalist and god forbid I forget an arrangement or miss a single chord and the bottom drops out from under my singer.

Stopped by the local GC the other day to grab some strings, strummed a couple used axes, and was totally blown out by a couple of noodlers next to me trying out amps. Humbling to say the least, but it did send me home to sort out my chops and get the wheels greased.

I'm up there with you age wise, plus I have these arthritis/spine/nerve issues, hands going numb a little on bar chords, all we can do is make the best of what we've got, with the time we have left on the axe.

Hang in there baby, it'll come back.
Yup, it will come back. It's just gonna take a little bit of working out the bugs. But yeah, a beginner noodler would think I was a pretty awful player as of today! :oops:
3 1/2 weeks ago I contracted Covid. It was unpleasant, but I've been vaccinated multiple times, and I had a very mild case. However, I didn't do any musical things for a couple of weeks. I was kind if listless.

When I got back to making music, I was working out some orchestral ideas and hardly played guitar. Today, I decided it was high time I practiced guitar. So I played my McCarty Singlecut (I had a dream about it last night, which was odd), and I played my acoustic.

My fingers disobeyed. It felt like I'd never picked up a guitar in my life, let alone played halfway decently. I could hardly do a thing. I was terrible, a no-sh!t-dick-tracy wake-up call.

I swear, the older I get, the harder it is to shake off the rust after even a short break away from the instrument.
I feel that sometimes when I come home from work. I use my hands alot to lift LP cylinders, so my hands are usually sore as hell after I'm done. My fingers get all fidgety and even bending on 8's can feel taxing. It always comes back you you, you can never lose that muscle memory. I might also suggest seaweed powder supplements. It helps to promote healthy cartilage between your joints.
I feel that sometimes when I come home from work. I use my hands alot to lift LP cylinders, so my hands are usually sore as hell after I'm done. My fingers get all fidgety and even bending on 8's can feel taxing. It always comes back you you, you can never lose that muscle memory. I might also suggest seaweed powder supplements. It helps to promote healthy cartilage between your joints.
That's probably a good idea!
I feel that sometimes when I come home from work. I use my hands alot to lift LP cylinders, so my hands are usually sore as hell after I'm done. My fingers get all fidgety and even bending on 8's can feel taxing. It always comes back you you, you can never lose that muscle memory. I might also suggest seaweed powder supplements. It helps to promote healthy cartilage between your joints.

You should switch to lifting CD cylinders. Smaller, much lighter, and digital.

Aging is a b#tch. A few years ago, I noticed that the carpet padding on my steps had deteriorated - I could hear it crunch as I came up the steps. Then I noticed the same thing on my porch steps. My concrete, uncarpeted steps. Turns out it’s my knees. But I’ve found a solution - listen to enough loud music to damage my hearing just enough so I can’t hear it anymore.
You should switch to lifting CD cylinders. Smaller, much lighter, and digital.

Aging is a b#tch. A few years ago, I noticed that the carpet padding on my steps had deteriorated - I could hear it crunch as I came up the steps. Then I noticed the same thing on my porch steps. My concrete, uncarpeted steps. Turns out it’s my knees. But I’ve found a solution - listen to enough loud music to damage my hearing just enough so I can’t hear it anymore.
Digital cylinders sound much better. 24 Gallon cylinders can be the worst if you're not careful. We had an older guy at another branch that a full one fall on him. Its a total wonder he survived.

Eeek. That's my mom's knees right there. They click every now and then. My uncle gooched his due to excessive running. The constant impact from hitting pavement just wrecked his cartilage.
The biggest challenge of my Covid recovery was the fatigue and lack of motivation. I had a fantasy of doing a bunch of guitar playing, but ended up content to soak up the rest time.

A nasty case of Influenza A a couple months ago, and the general winter blahs of cold and lack of sunlight haven't been much better for me lately. I'd probably be playing more if I had a project to complete, but I don't have anything pressing.

But, hey... we could have both had things a lot worse!