Reprise - favorite and least-favorite guitar colors - comparison


Apr 26, 2012
Remember those polls about guitar colors from several months ago? well, i always meant to compare and contrast them but life got complicated when i moved over the winter and the intent fell to a forgotten notion. but, now i'm catching up!

I find it fascinating that most colors are liked as much as they are disliked, with the exception of shades of brown and blue (hi, sergio)


Everyone's got a color thing, I suppose.

I don't care for blue guitars, yet one of my favorite guitars is mostly blue (northern lights, blues and violet).

Every time I play it I fall in love, and every time I look at it I wonder if I should sell the damn thing! Because it's blue.

I've thought of having it refinished. But the finish on it is perfect and that seems like a serious waste of money. Today I was thinking, "I wonder if it can be redone as a gold top?"
I think the psychology of color has validity.
Brown and blue together, are very feng shui. An all brown or blue guitar doesn't appeal to me at all; a blue top with a brown back does.
I agree.

You can just barely see it on the cutaway scoop in this shot, but the combination of the light brown back and this mostly blue finish worked well enough for me to get over my aversion to blue and buy the guitar.

The PS was expensive enough that I’d probably have passed if it had a blue back.

If it was a Core model I wouldn’t have cared about the back, and would have just bought it because it sounds and feels good.

It’s a keeper, but one day I may have PRS refinish it if that’s possible.

I agree.

You can just barely see it on the cutaway scoop in this shot, but the combination of the light brown back and this mostly blue finish worked well enough for me to get over my aversion to blue and buy the guitar.

The PS was expensive enough that I’d probably have passed if it had a blue back.

If it was a Core model I wouldn’t have cared about the back, and would have just bought it because it sounds and feels good.

It’s a keeper, but one day I may have PRS refinish it if that’s possible.

That guitar would look classy AF with a goldtop.
So green is highest score on dislike, and low but not too low on like. I've been on a green streak since I picked up the Silver Sky, so I've been trying to keep that going with the next 2 I bought. If there are any owners of green guitars that they just aren't bonding with, I can store them safely for you as to not stress you out too much. 😁
For Me It Really Depends On The Guitar, The Top And The Quality Of The Finish (I Am Talking A Proper Burst Or Fade And Not All Are Equal). No Clown Burst For Me...No Charcoal Outlined In Red....No Purple To Red To Yellow Burst (Not sure What It is Called). I Can Tolerate Some Tobacco Bursts And Yellow and Orange In The Real World...Santana Yellow And That Santana Salmon/Orange Color Is Cool Though. :)