Rapid fading of certain finishes?

Anand, Welcome, and in my small mind all of them are amazing. The thing that always blows my mind is how unique each instrument is in looks and sound. The fading adds to the uniqueness and also the beauty. If every woman looked like Halle Berry, then the one who didn’t look like her would be the most coveted.
What is the forum’s experience with this kind of color fading? Is it this color-dependent? Is perhaps most of the fading just in the first few years, or should I expect this rate of fading to continue, even if I take great care of it and keep it in its case?

I do not have experience with the guitars, per say, but wood finishes will change if exposed to light - especially sunlight. I suspect keeping the guitar in its case whenever it's not in use will help preserve the finish. Anyone with rugs on a hardwood floor or wood furniture by a window will be able to attest.
I do not have experience with the guitars, per say, but wood finishes will change if exposed to light - especially sunlight. I suspect keeping the guitar in its case whenever it's not in use will help preserve the finish. Anyone with rugs on a hardwood floor or wood furniture by a window will be able to attest.

Not just wood finished but also wood itself will color shift over time from UV or oxidation.
I've had some older Whale Blue ones that have faded to a grayish color in some areas. Here's an 88 and 91. By the way, just recently logged in after years of no activity. I figured since I was back to having multiple PRS guitars again it was time to check in. :oops:


I've had some older Whale Blue ones that have faded to a grayish color in some areas. Here's an 88 and 91. By the way, just recently logged in after years of no activity. I figured since I was back to having multiple PRS guitars again it was time to check in. :oops:



Welcome back Mark, I think I've seen these beauties way back in Birds and Moons IIRC.
I keep mine in their cases when not playing for a plethora of reasons, the main one being pets and Murphy’s law. I’d be crushed if my lovely jade green 594 turned to pea yellow tho :)