PRS Custom 20 combo?


The (should be) Committed
Nov 17, 2021
Spotted one for $850. I’m intrigued, but I know nothing about it. Any info, opioids, comments on price, etc. is appreciated. I like clean to classic rock. My current amp is a Mesa Mkv25. I wouldn’t want to overlap too much. I’m really not after a high gain amp. The Mesa seems to cover that territory.
I have one, It’s a great amp. Definitely a modern style, but I would say it is smoother than a high gain amp like the Archon, which I also have in a combo. It has a great clean channel and is extremely versatile. I’d have to look up exactly what the push/pull options are on some of the knobs, but it has a lot of options to allow you to fine tune your tone. $850 isn't a bad price, you might be able to find one cheaper though.
I have a Custom 50 combo and it is an excellent all around amp.
The clean channel is lovely and would take pedals well. The lead channel has a great tone.
By itself it covers a lot of basic territory with the boost available on both channels.
I know that the 20 is missing one of the features that the 50 has... will research.
It's a quality, well made amp.
More opinion...

I had a 2017 Custom 20 that I absolutely loved, but lost my mind and sold it in 2019. Regretted selling that amp ever since. Over the last year or so have been looking at getting a new all tube amp, considered Fender Hot Rod IV, Mashall DSL40CR, Blackstar HT line, PRS Sonzera and a few others. Bottom line, all these other amps just don't have the build quality of the PRS US amps, which the 2 channel custom Custom 20 is. Happened across one another 2017 Custom 20 at a Music Go Round and just got it last week. Once again, couldn't be happier. If you want a super quiet amp with killer clean and lead channels that will give you pretty much any tone you want, with more than enough volume, you simply can't beat it. If you can find one, get it. I know Dave's Guitars in Wisconsin has one on their website right now.

BTW, the Custom 20 does have the Push/Pull Mid Shift, as well as the Reverb Pull for Defeat on the Lead channel, just like the Custom 50s.
