piezo problem

Steve's addiction

New Member
Jun 25, 2017
Hi gang before I contact dealer to send back, I noticed yesterday on my new HBII when I first switch on the piezo it sounds good but after a few minutes it starts hissing. Changed the battery, did the same thing. Anyone have this happen?
Besides battery the only piezo problem I have had was with a Line 6 G10 wireless that is incompatible with the jack.
Besides battery the only piezo problem I have had was with a Line 6 G10 wireless that is incompatible with the jack.

FWIW, I have also run into this issue with the G10. Using the "L" adapter fixes the issue, so with my HBII I have to use the "L" adapter with the G10.

I've not run into a hissing issue with the piezo. This does sound like a fault.