

New Member
Oct 15, 2012
pensacola FL
Im having trouble posting pictures..Went to FAQ and they said I needed to be registered to search and use FAQ.. But if I werent registered ,I couldnt be posting this. I wanted to post a picture for tech advice. When I hit Images, it wont let me browse my computer, it wants a URL which I am totally lost. This has probably been discussed ad infinitum on this forum, but could someone help me?
In the forum settings tab on the upper right, go to general settings and then scroll down to misc setting...check off this -> Enhanced Interface - Full WYSIWYG Editing. Step 2 get a free picture hosting account on a site like Imgur of something like it (sorry not a big pic dude) then upload some sexy guitar shots to there. Step 3, come back here click on the insert picture button in the quick reply box, copy and past the link from your image and you should be good to go. I find Imgur a bit clunky and a pain in the ass to link to, but it usually works out, others may have an easier way to do this, as I am by no means a pro forum power user.
I've been a very happy S2 Standard owner for over a year now. I needed a guitar to compliment my Strat, and the S2 really spoke to me. Mahogany, HH configuration, amazing feel and sustain, and I really like the Strat type of pickguard. One reason I chose this guitar is because of the pickguards (I like the look and modding aspects). I've been on the hunt for replacement pickups for a while now and I'm leaning towards PG's in the bridge and Alnico II Pro in the neck and swap all of the electronics at the same time.

Planning on pre-loading the old electronics onto another pickguard, adding quick connectors to the guts so If I ever feel the need to switch back to PRS pickups and can just quickly drop in the other set of electronics.

Looking forward to having some good conversations on the forum!

Looks sweet! Welcome to the Forum!