New Member and First PRS - '97 CE24


New Member
Apr 20, 2017
Asheboro, NC
Thanks for allowing me to join this forum. It really helped out in the research of my new guitar. I absolutely love this guitar. We did a 2 hour gig last Sat and have another 2 hour gig this coming Sat.

Other guitars include: 2011 Gibson Les Paul Studio Deluxe, 2012 Fender American Strat, 2013 Gibson SGJ, '62 Warmoth Telecaster, 1992 Ibanez RG-550, 2003 Carvin Bolt-T.

Amps - Band - Carvin Legacy 1/2 stack / Home - Orange CR120 head & 2 x 12 cab - all cabs V30's.

PRS performed flawlessly Sat - Les Paul sat on the stand all show. Only used the SGJ for 2 songs (slide & alt tuning song). Only issue I had with the PRS is with the 5-way switch - got very slippery with sweaty fingers :). Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Still learning the winged tuners, but I like them. Well enough talk, please enjoy the pics (not a great photographer) - Bodie






And some of the others at home in my basement:

Looks great! I love the older PRS, as far as the rotary someone will chime in, HNG!
Congrats, great guitar! For the slippery knobs, there are a few things to try to see what works best for you. Replace them with lampshade knobs, put knurled knobs on, or rough up the sides of the ones you have with sand paper. If none of the above work for you, and I can't believe I'm suggesting this as I love the 5 way, some people who don't love it replace it with a push/pull pot for the split tones, and a 3 way toggle for pup selection. If you think about doing it, remember that you don't get the exact same selections. The splits don't end up the same.
Great looking guitar! A 97 CE24 owned by a good friend was my gateway drug.

I get super sweaty hands... But they seem to grip the 5 way ok. Sometimes missing where I was headed makes for some happy mistakes.

Congrats on the new guitar!
Hipshot O-ring knobs are the way to go, very functional and compact. The lampshades look cool but they are not very functional once you start sweating, never liked plastic knobs on a high end guitar.
scary nice guitar, enjoy and welcome to the blue guitar fan club!

The three way toggle with a push pull for the taps is almost a drop in. You just have to ream out the switch hole a little bit. Total cost is about $100.
Thanks to each of you for your replies and tips. I'm going to see how it goes this weekend at the outdoor event and see what (if anything) I'll do. I have lots of recommendations from you all and I greatly appreciate each of them.

I just put her through the paces through the Legacy and Orange 2x12 cab. My goodness what a great playing guitar. How am I ever going to live with only one PRS?? :oops: :rolleyes:

Thanks everyone!!! Bodie
Thanks to each of you for your replies and tips. I'm going to see how it goes this weekend at the outdoor event and see what (if anything) I'll do. I have lots of recommendations from you all and I greatly appreciate each of them.

I just put her through the paces through the Legacy and Orange 2x12 cab. My goodness what a great playing guitar. How am I ever going to live with only one PRS?? :oops: :rolleyes:

Thanks everyone!!! Bodie

How to live with ONLY one you ask?

The answer, in its shortest form is - You Can't.

My suggestion would be grab an all mahogany CE24 as well for a backup/different tuning or tone for certain songs. The a CU24 or three. Maybe a Singlecut and HB for good measure as well!
Old CE24's absolutely rock! Congratulations! (And if you have to add one more, a PRS Vela makes a perfect complement to a double humbucker guitar!)
We'll now on to those unique winged tuners. I'm so ashamed to admit how many packs of D'Addario sets I went through on my first stringing with those tunes. I hope this doesn't void my membership into the forum :oops::p - 4 sets of various sets of strings. Still have several from those sets.

We'll tonight I had to resring for this weekends show. So there the PRS is look at me almost asking "....OK, are you up for the challenge". I had just ordered another box of D'Addario strings (9>46) / 10 sets ++ a box of 5 E strings & a box of 5 B strings - should be ready for anything right?

Actually tonight wasn't too bad - I only lost one string (B). It's like I'm not getting them in the slot correctly. So I came up with a resolution that seems to help:

Take a previously used thick E string and cut it down to a straight 4-5 inch thick straight piece and set it aside. Each time you pull a string up to meet the mighty Wings of Fear, lay it aside and use the thick E string to slide in that slot and keep turning the tuner until you have that magical slot that the string should slide right down into. Lay the E string aside, thread in the new string; should slide right in that slot now - pulling from the top and i also found pull with one hand tight and push down the string between the nut and tuner post a little (to hold the string in the groove) and with your fingers start tightning the knobs. It can be done with two hands. I really do love the tuners, it's just a learning curve - but the 4-5 inch string made it so much easier vs guessing if those post are really lined up. If not the string will not sit flush inside.

SO just a tip that maybe someone can use. Great evening everyone!!! - Bodie
This may help. Wings are the third instruction set down the page.

The only tricky part is finding the place where the cam isn't. Then the string slips right in the slot. Remember to push on the wing to lock the string against the cam.