NAD...Yea! And...a problem.


New Member
Apr 27, 2012
Baltimore MD area
So I followed PRSh's admonition about "buying an ice cream cone if you go to the ice cream shop" at XPRS 2012, and I came home with both a XPRS P22 in "Autumn Sky" and a 2 Channel "H" head with a matching faceplate. Besides being gorgeous, the P22 is a stupendously good guitar...I really love it, and it's already near the top of my guitar posse. The 2 Channel H is my first foray into PRS amps, and I must say that although I haven't had the chance to spend much time with it since XPRS, I'm very impressed with both the clean and lead channels.

So what's the problem? Well, when playing through the H yesterday on the lead channel - after only about a minute or two, at the most - all of a sudden, the sound just stopped. I immediately thought that it might be a cable problem, but that didn't seem likely as I was using a Mogami Platinum that's well cared-for. Then I noticed that the main power light on the amp was still on, but the red LED channel indicator on the front was no longer lit. Uh-oh. Stepped on the footswitch, and still no sound...and no blue LED on the clean channel, either. I unplugged the footswitch and tried the channel mini-switch on the front panel...nothing. Switched it to standby and then back on...nope. Turned it off completely and turned it back on...still nothing. (I did check the instrument cable (and speaker cable) and they're both fine.)

Obviously something significant has gone wrong. I am going to pursue support through normal channels with PRS customer service, but in the meantime, I know there are a lot of 2 Channels out there among the forum members, and I just thought I'd see if anyone has had a similar experience or any suggestions as to what may be the problem.

Here's a picture of the amp...hopefully we'll have it sounding just as good as it looks shortly....

That is a shame. I'm sure it will be addressed shortly.

Congrats on the P22, they are wonderful.
Sounds like the Talent Detector Override (tm) kicked in. It shouldn't have - it's only supposed to work in Guitar Centers on Saturday afternoons. :vroam:

Seriously - have you checked the fuse? Not sure where it is on an H. Or maybe a tube is slightly dislodged. I should just shut up - what I know about troubleshooting a tube amp would just about fit in a dimple on a golf ball.

But you can rest easy w/support - they do good work. I sent a C in for tweaks some time ago, and it was back before I had a chance to start missing it.
Ha! Yes, the Talent Detector Override (tm) may indeed be the problem.

I have checked the three fuses that are easily accessible, and all of them are OK. There are a couple of others that require surgery to get to, and I'll leave that to the pros.

I've started working through the normal support channels, so we'll see how it goes. This will be my first experience with PRS service, but their reputation is very good.
PRS is great with customer service - I am sure your amp will be in top shape very soon. Your amp looks sharp, too!