NAD - Something different edition


Bluebeard Member
Nov 12, 2012
So I wasn't really looking to pick up a new amp...but I've had a Shure SM7B on Craigslist for about a month and a half, with nothing but super lowball offers. So in comes a trade offer - a Bedrock 600 series combo. Looked it up, it's a 621, made in the U.S., most likely from the late 90s. From what I could find they were one of the early boutique amp companies, and were only in business for about 13 years. General concensus seems to be that the stock speaker sucks. Seems like the trade is at least slightly in my favor hasn't sold on Reverb for a couple years, last ones sold were $350-400, so in line with the mic value. One is currently listed for $599. So, if I decide to move it, I should be able to do so for around where I had the mic listed, if not more.

In this case, the seller had already replaced the stock speaker with an Eminence Governor, so that took care of the speaker issue.

Just got it home, plugged it in, and am initially pleased. Has more balls than I expected for an amp running on 2 EL84s - lots of low end available. Reverb is SUPER wet - at 2 on the dial it has more than I would ever use. Gain channel has a very nice amount of gain available. It's a little fire breather.

We'll see how I get on with it in the coming days....

Now you have opportunity for dual amp signal paths! Very cool trade.

Do you have a pedal with a dry out? ;)
Looks like a cool find. But I think it needs "personalizing" if you keep it. No, not a replacement for the tower just kind of a sibling.;)