Metal Players here?


New Member
Aug 8, 2017
Thought of starting a thread/meeting place for metal players using a PRSi.

As a conversation starter:

  • I know that metal is kinda broad too, so what kind do you play? Influences?
  • Do you have a YouTube channel or a soundcloud or something?
  • What kind of PRSi do you use? Mods?
  • What's your rig like?
I listened to metal since the early 80s when I was a teenager but lately I have been tired of playing the same old Drop C riffs. I do have a YouTube and Soundcloud account but I don't really advertise my demos much. Mostly use Tremonti SEs and a SVN through a Kemper, and for smaller clubs, an MT15 and Mesa OS 4x12.
I listened to metal since the early 80s when I was a teenager but lately I have been tired of playing the same old Drop C riffs. I do have a YouTube and Soundcloud account but I don't really advertise my demos much. Mostly use Tremonti SEs and a SVN through a Kemper, and for smaller clubs, an MT15 and Mesa OS 4x12.


I've been listening to metal since the mid 80's. Used to listen to Metallica, Death Angel, the old Suicidal Tendencies, and the likes. Nowadays, Texas in July, Crystal Lake, Jinjer, and etc. fancies me.

I try to do some demos and post music on my YouTube channel. Nobody is interested with my music except a handful of friends, but my demos are picking up. I have about 3k views on one and a few hundred on another and others.

I tried to jump into the 7-string trend. But, I got dismayed that I have to rely one guitar for those low tuned playing. I found out about the Digitech Drop which makes any of my guitars do down tunes. It's such an amazing gadget. I used to have a bunch of guitars, but they were all the budget kinds because I'm poor. I realized that I don't really need that much because some of them don't get to be played at all. So, I sold all of them and just kept one favorite (a PRS S2 Standard 22), a back up (a rare Squier M-80), a cheap Yamaha for experimenting electronics on, and an Ovation Celebrity acoustic. I don't gig out anymore. I just record my own in our basement room. I get to play sometimes at school (I'm a teacher).

My current rig is guitar> Mission Engineering VM-1 volume pedal> Boss GT-100> Ammoon Stero Looper> Headrush FRFR-108.

Hope to meet more PRSi metal heads here!
<sticks hand up timidly...>

I got bit by the metal bug when Van Halen and Scorpions were brand new and relatively unknown. I remember thinking at the time that Animal Magnetism was the absolute pinnacle of metal and could never be topped... I was, happily very wrong, and metal continued to evolve and mutate.

Major stops along the way included Metallica (my college-era saviors, many a late night in the computer lab was spent pounding BASIC or Pascal with my Master of Puppets cassettes keeping me awake and alert). Anthrax was a staple for a while, as were early Queensryche albums. Rammstein was a constant companion in the 90s, and I started a major Opeth jag in about 2001. I took a significant detour in 2005 when I discovered Iron Maiden was actually really good (Dance of Death is a great album). Meshuggah absolutely blew my world apart with Bleed and are still one of my favorites when I need something absolutely balls-out for a proper dose of catharsis. As much as I love listening to Meshuggah, I cannot play the stuff except for a few snippets to save my life. Too complicated for me (even though it sounds so simple and repetitive). My latest kick has been Voivod. I loved a couple of their albums in the late 80's and early 90's, but album to album they could be so hit or miss. Their recent The Wake album, however, is absolutely phenomenal and I've listened to it incessantly for a few months now. I've dabbled a little in Periphery, Tesseract, and Animals as Leaders, but while I respect what they're doing, none of them have made it into heavy rotation with me.

All I have out there is a few 14 year old Youtube videos of my playing with my cover band at the time. I suppose if I have anything like a claim to fame, along those lives it's that somebody lifted my live "Spirit of Radio" track and dubbed it onto one of those "look at these amazing kids playing a difficult rock song live" videos.

Gear? I play whatever PRS feels good to me at that moment, usually a 594, Studio, early 'aughts CE, or a maple-necked Custom 24. That goes into an Axe-FX III and a pair of Friedman ASM-12s. If I'm really in a mood, I light up a Rivera Knucklehead Reverb 100 half stack, but really the Axe FX has taken over most of the noisemaking duties in my man cave. It's just so easy and so good.