Marty's tastes improved with time...


You win the Internet! Not many folks get that reference...
I had just mentioned Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle on another site to someone who was asking for science fiction novels, so it was current in my mind.
So the other night watching BTTF2 and in the cafe 80s scene I go, "Woah, those are PRSs on the wall." I take to google to confirm and lo and behold this forum pops up first with the sighting (in 2015 no less). Turns out Marty has one too!

Just wanted to chime in and say this forum is awesome haha.
In Back to the Future 2, the scene where Jennifer is trapped at their future house and Marty Sr. is jamming on a guitar shortly before making a bunk business deal with Fleadles and subsequently getting reamed by Fujitsu. Guess what he's playing?


Just thought some of you might get a kick out of that.

I guess now I'm on the hunt for a very specific guitar...

In the future.....after all the figured maple is gone. :eek::(
I read The Mote, but didn't get to The Gripping Hand. Missed it.
The Mote In God's Eye is a true classic. I wouldn't say The Gripping Hand is bad, it's just not as much of a masterpiece as Mote is. I still enjoyed it.
Don't know how I missed this all these years, especially since it combines two of my favorite things ever.

So last night the fam decided we were due for another viewing of my favorite Trilogy of all time, Back to the Future; and since it's 2015, we popped in #2.

In Back to the Future 2, the scene where Jennifer is trapped at their future house and Marty Sr. is jamming on a guitar shortly before making a bunk business deal with Fleadles and subsequently getting reamed by Fujitsu. Guess what he's playing?


Just thought some of you might get a kick out of that.

I guess now I'm on the hunt for a very specific guitar...