MannMade USA 2000NOS trems

Does it sound better than plated?

Not sure, to be honest. There might be a tonal advantage to the unplated 1980 saddles but... No real scientific evidence, at least not from me.

What does that change in terms of the sound? I only have 1 trem, so not familiar. I feel like I should get the 2000NOS for my NF3.

See my response to gush.

I will add that while I'm unsure about the plating being a plus or a minus tone wise, the overall "feel" or perception of the Mann/Milcom in my hands, and to my ears, is an improvement over the two piece. I mean, it could all be in my head.
Not sure, to be honest. There might be a tonal advantage to the unplated 1980 saddles but... No real scientific evidence, at least not from me.

Well, you can not argue about these things being cool as all get out. I want one but I'm ALMOST afraid to ask how much?

See my response to gush.

I will add that while I'm unsure about the plating being a plus or a minus tone wise, the overall "feel" or perception of the Mann/Milcom in my hands, and to my ears, is an improvement over the two piece. I mean, it could all be in my head.