Les Rediscovers Rock.


Too Many Notes
Apr 26, 2012
I was going through some old files on one of my hard drives, trying to decide what to keep and what to toss out. Lo and behold, I rediscovered a track I wrote and recorded before Covid, and before my orchestral music obsession. I had completely forgotten about it.

It's an alt/rock song I wrote/played using the HXDA for the dirty stuff and DG30 for the cleaner guitar that you hear in spots (The DG is dirtier for the choruses, of course). Guitars were the 20th Anniversary of Private Stock 'Northern Lights', a 594, and my trusty Tonare Grand PS acoustic. So maybe it's of interest to PRS fans who're curious about the tones of these guitars and amps. The only pedals are a delay and a wah on the solo.

I could hardly believe I ever created this when I revisited it, meaning that I'm happy that it doesn't suck, but the mix needed work, so I remixed it today. I probably posted an earlier version of this after I recorded it. But...it sounds better now anyway, so...might as well post it.

The vocalist is the wonderful Liz Larin. Lyrics by David Barrett (One Shining Moment). Check it out here:


It's fun to rediscover your roots sometimes!
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I’ll paste what I posted in the other thread…

That was, as usual, excellent! Love how well the DG30 and HXDA find their own space…Jangle and gritty. Production is, well, perfect.
Les, the track is great! Guitars sound killer and the harmorica has a wonderful tone and presence. Not to mention, the singer's voice is awesome and has plenty of character! I also agree with your decision to keep the acoustic low in the mix (in fact, I think it could even go a notch lower): it fills the space nicely in the chorus and gives it some bounce, without being too present/focused.