How would you pick this line?


Knows the Drill
May 4, 2012
West Michigan
Hey all, so my band is putting our next show together and we're covering Bark at the Moon. One of the many tricky passages in the song (at least for me) is this one in the pre-chorus, which can be heard at about 1:11 in the song, sixteenths bouncing back and forth on the A and E strings as follows:

So, how would you pick this passage? I realize there may be no correct answer, obviously if you can play it and it sounds right, that's how you should do it. But if I play it with straight down-up-down-up strokes, as follows, I can do it at speed but a bit sloppy (v being down and ^ being up, probably a better way to notate this but I don't know what it is):

............v ^...v^.v^..v^.v^..v^.v^.v^.v^

However, if I were to play it with full on economy picking, as follows, I feel I could do it cleaner with practice, but it's really hard to get the timing right for straight sixteenths when I speed it up:


If you see what I mean, in the first example there are some "wasted" strokes when going back and forth between strings. So whaddya think?

Edit: sorry about the weird periods in the pick strokes, had to put them in there to line it up, the forum software isn't very tab friendly!
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Alternate strokes will give you the right intention. You just have to go to the wood shed!

This. I've done metronome exercises like this across all 6 strings. It's tough, but you can get there.