Cleaning and maintenance tips


New Member
Apr 25, 2019
Hey everyone!

I recently acquired a beautiful PRS SE Zack Myers :)

What is everyone’s routine to keep my guitar clean, shiny and like new? Do you use any special sprays, cleaners or polish? How about for the fretboard?

In the past with other gear I just used a damp microfiber cloth and a quick wipe down. But now I want to step up my care and maintenance game for my PRS! :cool:

Here it is...Drum roll please...

What is everyone’s routine to keep my guitar clean, shiny and like new?

Seriously? Clean your own guitar! Why would you think we’re going to clean it for you at all, let alone do it enough to have a routine? Frigging lazy people these days...:rolleyes:

Do you use any special sprays, cleaners or polish? How about for the fretboard?

I have the PRS polish and cleaner, but haven’t used them yet. I’ve used Martin’s polish or just a clean dry cloth. That’s been enough. For the fretboard, I’m using Guitar Honey. Works great on rosewood.
Here’s what I use: for routine cleaning of the body and hardware, just a gentle wipe down with a damp microfiber cloth, followed immediately by a gentle dry with a clean one, I like the fluffy microfiber cleaning cloths Griot’s Garage offers.

For occasional shining it up, the PRS guitar cleaner leaves a nice surface, again use a clean microfiber cloth and very gentle effort.

For polishing out swirl marks or light scratches, Virtuoso’s unbeatable.

For rosewood fretboard cleaning, apply a small amount of PRS fretboard conditioner to a cloth, rub in, and wipe off. This and other “lemon oils” are scented naphtha, I.e., lighter or dry cleaning fluid. Don’t let it soak in, it’s a cleaning aid. I’m not big on adding conditioning oil to rosewood or ebony unless there’s a problem. PRS recommends following up a fretboard cleaning with a little furniture polish; I think at one point they used Behold at the factory. As always, polishes and cleaners should be applied to the cloth, not put directly on the surface.

Nickel hardware - mine doesn’t usually tarnish unless I leave fingerprints to sit on it, but if so, I’ve used a metal polish like Flitz with good results. PRS recommends mag wheel cleaner.
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Just when I’m tasting champagnes for summer party.

Just as I’m about to make a snowman! :mad:

I’ll wear the outfit, but I don’t do other people’s guitars. :)

Well, then, don't stay out too late or pick up any strange people on your way home from the gig tonight. You really can't say you were at a costume party when you've got someone other than your wife in the car with you.

EDIT: Oops, almost forgot the obligatory :p
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That’s barely snow. We have 4” so far and it’s just getting going. Also 30mph winds with gusts to 60. On the day the city cleaned the winter crud of the streets. So...we redid a kitchen.

Look, I know better than to ever try an’ step to a Canadian when it comes to snow but.... c’mon, this is awful for a Chicagoan, I had flowers blooming already!
Look, I know better than to ever try an’ step to a Canadian when it comes to snow but.... c’mon, this is awful for a Chicagoan, I had flowers blooming already!

Dang, I hope that's not coming to the Northeast. May need to bring in the herb planter this evening if that's the case...

EDIT: Well, darn. Overnight air temps in the mid-30s Saturday and Sunday.

Thanks for the heads-up, Serg...
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