Are PRS guitars shielded from the Factory?

Arden Stevens

New Member
Apr 23, 2020
I have a Vela and a 594 and I have not had any buzzing issues but I am going into a venue that has caused buzzing for other guitarists and I was wondering if my guitars are shielded.
Cavity shielding? I don’t think so since none of the core models I’ve owned have had it. I believe they use shielding tape on newer pickups and of course the actual pickup leads have shielding.
Shielding can change the sound of a guitar very noticeably. I think that’s something Paul is very opinionated about. Many luthiers believe the less shielding the better. I’m hoping Shawn can enlighten us about this.
They used to do shielding paint on USA guitars, but it's been a long time since they stopped. S2 series have no shielding. SE guitars have a half ass attempt at shielding paint.

I don't think it impacts tone, but Paul has dog ears and is very particular. Seems he doesn't mind putting up with noise.
Depends on a lot of things - how clean is the power at the venue, are their wires shielded and properly ground? Honestly, once a band starts you won't hear most noise that's happening. It also depends on what gear the other guitarists were using (is there setup correct, do they have amp/power/shielding issues).
Your Vela probably isn't. The S2s from what I have seen might have a tiny shielding plate where the pots are mounted but nothing in the cavities. I noticed after a pickup change, my starla is quite noisey but I don't feel compelled to change anything.

Core models I have seen have shielding paint in the control cavity, but not the pickup cavities
They used to do shielding paint on USA guitars, but it's been a long time since they stopped. S2 series have no shielding. SE guitars have a half ass attempt at shielding paint.

I don't think it impacts tone, but Paul has dog ears and is very particular. Seems he doesn't mind putting up with noise.

Personally, I don't think a guitar sounds right without a little noise....even with gain. Keeps the "vinyl" in the tone, lol.
Personally, I don't think a guitar sounds right without a little noise....even with gain. Keeps the "vinyl" in the tone, lol.

Ironically, the quietest guitar I have is a Strat with single coils. It has an Ilitch noise cancelling system built into the pickguard and it has full shielding. It seemed disturbingly quiet at first, but now I'm spoiled.
Throw a power conditioner in your setup. I just wrapped up a 3 year stint with a gigging group and had no buzz problems once I started plugging my setup in this inexpensive Furman power strip:

Dirty power is a beast to deal with. I saw those Furmans I linked at many venues.

Very true. I always used a Furman in my rack when I gigged regularly. It made a huge difference. The only time I don't use it is be when I am doing a jam. Then I just bring an amp, cable and guitar. Simple, quick to set up, etc. Though these days I plug an HX Stomp into the PA.