2011 Custom 24 Black Gold Wrap!!


Authorized PRS Dealer
Authorized PRS Dealer
Jan 17, 2013
Wheaton, MD
Check it out!! Why hasn't anyone bought this beauty yet??


The Stats:

2011 Custom 24
Black Gold Wrap burst
59/09 pups
Pattern Thin neck
Birds, Trem
Completed on 12/20/2011

Call or Email for more pics and pricing!
301.946.8808, [email protected]

More guitars comin' your way soon! Anybody want to see anything in particular???

Stephen Parsons
Guitar Sales
Chuck Levin's Washington Music Center
11151 Veirs Mill Road
Wheaton MD, 20902
[email protected]
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Stephen, is there a problem with the website there? It seems to have changed to a slower, more difficult to navigate, less user friendly site. Is there a new one under construction or something?
Definitely not a user friendly site these days. No new inventory emails anymore. I have bought a number of guitars from Chucks in the past though and they are local to me.
The new website is still under construction, the best way to know if we have anything in stock is just to ask! Send me an email or give us a call. Our head website honcho Adam is working hard to get all the inventory up. You CAN view all PRS inventory here though: chucklevins.com/prs