2 Channel H Vs. CAD 2 Channel Custom


Rosewood or Bust
Jan 31, 2013
San Antonio, TEXAS
Could you forumites help me out here. I am looking at both of these amps but I have not had the opportunity to play them, sadly I can only go by the YT videos. Both sound great but wanted some hands on insight. I am mainly looking for something that can do nice chicken pickin to texas blues. A nice overdrive is also a plus
Try a CAD Dallas or Bugs Henderson Dallas. My CAD Dallas has a boost and tone stack lift. I was once told that all CAD Dallas amps are a derivative of the Bugs version.
I use a paisley H 50 watt head through 12” speaker cabinets, a Dan Armstrong sealed and an old Danelectro with Jensen MOD. For years I have used Tweed Deluxes. I got a Handwired Blackface1980 Deluxe Reverb last year and stumbled upon the PRS H at about 40% off.

The headroom with the PRS is perfect. I can dial in the drive section and it sounds better than my Zen Drive. It is my go to amp now for the country band and blues band usung a Tele with Harmonic Design pickups or PRS McCarty Double Cut Gold Top with Harmonic Designs.

I have no experience with the other amps.
I have both H and C50 combos. I don't play country style chicken pickin' but if I were to choose, I'd go with the Custom 50.
Both have lovely clean channels, but the C50 has individual boost for both the clean and lead channels, plus other features.
The bright switch and boost on the clean with the right guitar should do nicely.
The H is no slouch either IMHO, just that the C50 is a bit more versatile.
I had two 2-CH-H combos. Best low end of any combo I've ever had. Great clean and dirt channels. Not too much gain, great dynamics, very responsive to guitar tone and volume.
I have an "H" and a C50. I use the "H" more because I have an annoying buzz in the C50. It's subtle but it's there. Going to have to ship it to the PTC for evaluation. In terms of their tone, both are terrific and they are quite similar. You can be happy with either one. I agree the C50 is more versatile. The "H" is just simple and effective.