2 Channel Combo opinions?


New Member
Jan 12, 2013
Has anyone else had numerous issues with theirs? Mine has been in the shop more than I have had it practically. Just got it back and the friggin jewel light went out. Unlike most amps that it is a 10 second fix this one you have to pull all 22 screws out ( I have done this more times than I care to mention) AND remove the chasis to get it out. WTF! I found this quote that pretty much sums up my feelings about this amp...

"Here's why reliability is job one: A great sounding amp that breaks down goes from being a favorite piece of gear to a useless piece of crap in less time than it takes to read this sentence." -- BRUCE ZINKY

I find this amp to be a boat anchor because it is completely unreliable, far too compressed, WAY too much of a pain the butt to get to the tubes or anything else and almost zero resale value.

I hope others have had better luck than me but I can't be the only one. Totally bummed I gave away $1700 for nothing. That is about what I made gigging all last year.