
  1. J

    Custom 24 nitro refin: what happens with the serial number and the logo?

    Sup guys. Recently I opened a post about changing the pickups of my CU24 (Its a 2007). Im also thinking about getting a good refinish, probably a nice nitro aged Goldtop. The guitar is all black with a quilted maple top... a couple of questions: 1) Would it be "fine" to just refin the top...
  2. Reo Clayton


    Hmmmmm...look what just showed up, I love new pedal day! I can't wait to pair this up with my DGT later. If anyone else has this pedal let me know how you like it, and how you use it. Cheers!
  3. M

    DGT pickups microphonic?

    Hi everybody, a quick question to those owning a DGT and other PRS guitars: I have a really nice 2016 DGT. I noticed that this guitar starts to squeal (microphonic) much earlier than e.g. my McCarty with 57/08 pickups, my Santana III or my Les Paul with Burstbuckers. I am not talking about...
  4. ( . )( . )

    To DGT without playing one first?

    I have a 97 CE 24 with HFS/VB pups and an 01 McCarty standard with Mc pups. I love both guitars, which are obviously very different animals. I’ve been having some serious GAS for a DGT, but I can’t find one to play anywhere. I think the neck shape would be comfortable for me, as I like both the...